Friday, October 10, 2008

The thing happens

Of all the scary economic writings I've encountered today, the scariest comes from this guy, whose work is recommended by this guy. John Jansen says that the ultimate bubble is the Treasury bubble -- and this bubble may burst fairly soon, perhaps before the election.
Is this the beginning of the end for the dollar and the Treasury market? Is this the first sign of the bursting of the bubble in Treasury securities? That market, in a sense, represents the ultimate bubble as it exists at the whim and caprice of foreign investors, who have as participants in a Faustian bargain, financed our war(s) and our lifestyle so generously over the last decade. Maybe even that bizarre construct is crashing about us as we speak.
And here's a prediction from a reader:
i think the treasury / dollar bubble will have to burst in the coming weeks, especially once deleveraging runs out of fuel. why finance export-led growth when nobody can afford to buy your cheap exports anyway? when people figure this one out, there will be a rush for the door, and pop goes the dollar..
If that happens, game over. The American government cannot salvage the financial system if it has no money.

PS: If the government had imposed a smallish tax on securities transactions -- comparable to that imposed by other nations -- the sell-off would have helped pay for the bail-out.


Anonymous said...

Here is a story no one tells properly. Check out this first link; it's the Bloomberg World Exchange Index: Since Obama and Dean hijacked the nomination on May 31; the world stock markets have lost over 26 trillion dollars. This second link is the Democratic Primary Election results: Notice, when Obama did better in the primary, the world stock markets did worse. Conversely, when Hillary appeared to be making a full come back in April and May, markets did much better. After May 31, world markets headed lower until MaCain had a big bounce in the polls after the RNC convention. Is this a coincidence? Is Obama bad for global markets and the global economy? Will the election of Obama destroy the global banking system?
Also, here is a trader this morning expressing thoughts about Obama and his impact on the market. Cue at 1:35 .

Anonymous said...

We also should have taxed money transfers and wires out of country.

Anonymous said...

Interesting link:
Wayne Madsen: FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law

Per my prior posts, I was in a family for more than 26 years who joined after marrying a huge criminal system. Their job within this system was in the beginning to launder criminal money straight into property using big banks with mortgage fraud to hide ownership.

In the early 90's they joined with another family member "Clyde O'Connor" to pursue anothing business with a fleet of planees to distribute ton's of cocaine into the US and elsewhere. Private investigations reveal that about half of the fleet is being used by the CIA and Rendition flights. The family's plane tail number is known to be involved in both and one was busted in Mexico with 4 Ton's of Cocaine on board.

It's interesting to note that continued investigations prove that only the Mexican people involved in this are being pursued by law enforcement. Questions are being raised as to why no one in the US who are involved are being pursued? To this day, Clyde O'Connor still remains at large.

As the family explained in the 90's the drug system proceeds are used to FUND "Black Op's" in support of another White House Coup. Furthermore, it was explained in 1996 that "everything will start when something big happens". This was 911 only at that time, those steering this were reviewing three sites, one being New York. I was personally threatened that when "The Change" comes, I'm either with them or not. If I'm NOT I'll be placed in one of the many prisons (Detention Camps) around the US. Please be advised that there are other more horrible plans for what to do with the Detention Camps after they are up and running.

"The Change" as explained would start when our ecomony collapses. This was to start with the financial area around home lending. The big Banks and other financial institutions are involved in the Coup and have been for decades.

There is more but for another time.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL