Thursday, October 09, 2008

The best cartoon you'll see all month

It's scary because it's true.


Anonymous said...

Joseph, good find! This really sums up American life now. I was just thinking today about some footage I saw on a video from Obama supporters. One who said she doesn't care about Obama's policies, she just wants to be able to buy bananas for 99 cents and to make sure that gas goes back to a $1 a gallon.

Can you believe that crap? I wonder how many liberals will be willing to give up their SUVs and penis-extension trucks (not the workingman's ones) the ones that have all kind of Obamablabstickers on 'em when we no longer have enough gas during the conversion to alternative energy sources?
Are they really gonna be taking the bus? You can only ride your bike during so many days of the year.

Just an aside -- Have you heard the clip from Sean Hannity's program interviewing Jerome Corsi after he was released from detention in Kenya? Corsi contends he has emails from Obama to Odinga advising him on campaign strategies, and knew that Odinga had made deals with Muslim leaders that he would allow them to impose Sharia law if they help him get elected. It is worth a check out.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday I bailed out of the stock market, converting everything to a 42-month CD. In 1990 I cashed in my thousands of $ of US Savings Bonds, rather than help pay for Operation Desert Shield.

Today Money has no confidence in either major party or their candidates.

Money had recently prospered owing to the Constitutional dictatorship and tyranny since January 2001.

Money has lost its control and knows no one else is in control of anything.

Global anarchy with internets!

(It might help if we start to distinguish between 'the Government' and 'the State'.)


Joseph Cannon said...

Fembot, dollar-a-gallon gas is a thing of the past. But Smart-n-Final had bananas for 49 cents.

Here in CA, if you are looking for cheap veggies, what you want is a supermarket that caters to Hispanics. If you hear mariachi music as you walk in, you know that you can get six or seven pounds of onions for a buck. Cabbage? 33 cents a head. I've lived on cabbage and rice for days at a time.

I'm thinking of writing a weekend post on How to Be Poor. On THIS, I have expert knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...
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