Tuesday, October 07, 2008


To the Obots and 9/11 wackos who keep inundated me with nutzo material: I DO NOT READ YOUR SCRIBBLINGS. I certainly will not allow your words onto my site. Once I get a whiff of your odor (after glancing at a few words, I need not see the rest), I hit the delete button. Your words, unread by anyone and everyone, disappear forever.

I've told you how I operate on many previous occasions. So why do you crackpots persist? What on earth do you think are you accomplishing by sending me messages which I will not read? Please seek psychiatric help.


RedDragon said...

Kinda remind you of that little brat that won't shut up until you give him/her a cookie!

Seems to me they are trying to break you down with the "Hope" that you will "Change" and read the one piece of garbage you will "Believe In".

Anonymous said...

He wants to know why they won’t go away
There’s nothing really one can do or say
If we had our way, they might not exist,
But Sad to say there’s no do-not-call-list.
Delete deny guffaw still they persists—
Season of votes and angry Soulessness...
Who hath not seen thee oft pissed and sore?
To hopeless trannies surely you’re a home;
Google O bloggers. Twitter on your floor--
No point for screams “fellas lave me alone"
Watch a world trade sevens fall on my you tube
Neo nazi a yokel and a rube
Joe seeks the holes, into dank depths you delve
--or come out singing “Palin Tewnny Twelve”
Vote on. Begone! Charade of listlessness.