Tuesday, September 30, 2008

President Biden?

The prospect of a Democratic victory is starting to look better to me. Why? Here's why.


Anonymous said...

Alright, I say it: it's not going to be Biden. Not gonna be Obama, either. I know who the next president is going to be, and it's someone all the authors of this blog will like.

athyrio said...

I don't get it...How does Rezko talking mean the prospect of a democratic victory looks better?? Very confused by this post...please clarify if you have time...thanks..

RedDragon said...

Speaking from the "Windy" city...

There really has been no news here as of late about Rezco! The media is not covering it here.
I WANT more!.....LOL

Joseph Cannon said...

"please clarify if you have time..."

Check the title of the post.

Unlike Jen, I LIKE Biden. Even if he has said and done a few foolish things.

Perry Logan said...

That would be something--if we wound up with a real, qualified Democrat, albeit another white guy.

Anonymous said...

It would take a miracle of speed to get Obama indicted, tried and convicted before inauguration day, when he becomes untouchable by the DOJ guys. I predict it won't happen, because it cannot happen.

Once whoever wins becomes president by the swearing in ceremony, that person has constructive immunity from any prosecution by law enforcement in the courts, at least for the course of his presidency. Or, so we are told is the current reigning doctrine of separation of powers. You want indictments of a president, you need impeachment and removal from office ahead of such an indictment.

This is considered fairly well settled Constitutional doctrine, even by the right side of the high court.


Anonymous said...

I have always been hesitant to say it - but a part of my has never be able to see BHO as prez.

The whole thing is fishy.

I think another non male candidate will reemerge as well. There I said it.

could be wrong. but the feeling has never left my gut.

Texas Hill Country said...

they always comment on what rezko is gonna say about Gov Blahblah, but never ask the question about Obama...

wonder why that is?