Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Could Obama get away with this shit if he we were white?

The title of this post is deliberately provocative. The time has come to ask a hard and discomforting question.

The Confluence has referenced (without linking to) a Kos Diary by an African American woman named TexasMango, titled "White People, can we talk?"...
I've found throughout my short life that few white people fully understand the extent to which all black people even, brilliant, successful and beautiful black people like the Obamas, are still subject to racism. This used to frustrate me, but then I thought about how separate black and white people often live....
In other words, if Obama loses, then we can blame racism, pure and simple.

Nonsense. David Plouffe himself has said that the only people who would vote against a black person based purely on race are already die-hard Republicans (if they have not been disaffected from the mainstream parties altogether).

As I keep saying, Colin Powell could have waltzed right into the White House in 2000, had he been in a waltzing mood.

Obama is neither "brilliant" nor "beautiful" -- he is a crook and a liar. If he loses, don't blame racism. Blame his campaign's nonstop accusations of racism, leveled against anyone who dared to support another candidate. That vile tactic created the PUMA movement.

(By all means, keep on insulting the PUMAs, my Kos-krazed friends. It's not as though you need our votes or anything...)

Has race held Obama back? To the contrary. Being a black male has helped Barack Obama immeasurably.

Consider: When Joe Biden quoted Neil Kinnock without attribution in 1988, Biden's presidential ambitions ended in scandal. When Barack Obama plagiarized Deval Patrick in a far more outrageous fashion, no-one treated the matter as important.

Consider: Tony Rezko. Could any white presidential candidate have survived such a toxic association? Governor Blagojevich had to forego his own presidential quest when his links to Illinois corruption became a matter of discussion in newspapers and courtrooms. Obama's ties to that dirt are just as strong, yet the fixers decided that they could run him in Blago's stead. (That's the real reason why Obama broke his pledge not run in 2008.)

Consider: During his time as a State Senator, Obama committed the same sins that put Duke Cunningham in jail, albeit on a less grand scale. In both cases, a crooked pol directed public monies to crooked businessmen who stuffed the pol's campaign coffers. Taxpayers ended up funding a partisan race. Same shit, different pol. Why is Duke in jail while Obama runs for the highest office in the land?

Consider: No other candidate in recent Democratic history has dared to run a smear campaign in a primary. Obama got away with it because his opponents did not want to be called racists.

Consider: Obama spent twenty years attending a racist church led by a conspiracy-crazed crackpot. Any white politician who did likewise would never be allowed to get near the nomination.

Consider: Any white candidate would have been crucified for the kind of lying and position-reversals that Obama has gotten away with. NAFTA, FISA, campaign finance, gay marriage, taxes, gun control -- the list goes on. He has claimed that he endangered his career by taking an early stance against the Iraq war, even though his constituents would not have tolerated any other position. He has claimed that he was a vocal opponent of the invasion during his 2004 senate run, even though he was, at that time, quite reticent to address the subject. He claims to have been a consistent opponent of the war, even though he would not vote for Russ Feingold's pullout measure. I doubt that anyone in the Democratic party would grant credibility to a white candidate who lied so persistently.

Consider: When Obama changed position on the surge, he scrubbed his site. Would John Edwards have been forgiven such an Orwellian move? Would Hillary?

Sorry, TexasMango. Stop pretending that Obama has known struggle. In fact, he has lived a charmed life. He has known privileges that others only dream about.

He was raised in comfort by his grandmother. He was allowed to attend a college out of state. Do you think my Mom (a waitress) could have afforded Hawaii-to-California plane fare and relocation money? Even though his grades, by all reports, were not spectacular, he was given scholarship opportunities denied to most others. He became the student head of the Harvard Law Review -- and did not publish a damned thing. As a young, unpublished author, he was given a ton of money to write Dreams From My Father, yet he dawdled long past his deadline. He immediately received a cozy sinecure in a law firm devoted to helping Tony Rezko bilk the taxpayers. He did not enlist in the miltiary. He has never worked a real job.

Struggle? Is that your idea of struggle?

If Barack Obama had a paler complexion, everyone would understand that he has lived an easy life. The guy practically has attendants unzipping his fly before he pees. And yet TexasMango wants you to believe that Barack Obama has known worse adversity than did Helen Keller or Frederick Douglass.

Obama's heritage has benefited him enormously. Lefties and college kids would not consider any white male to be Coolness Incarnate. Riverdaughter makes reference to his fanbase "proselytizing like zombie Jehovah’s Witnesses on crystal meth, annoying and frightening every voter they meet." Could any palefaced politician ever hope to have that kind of mesmerizing effect on the young and the progressive?

I have no problem voting for a black person. I'd give ten years of my life (if I have ten years left) in exchange for the privilege of voting for Carol Moseley Braun right now. Hell, I voted for Obama in the primary -- before I opened my eyes to what really went down in Chicago. But the moment his followers told me "Vote as we tell you to vote, or you're a racist," they saw a middle digit.

Emotional blackmail always elicits a reaction opposite to that which was desired.


Anonymous said...

Emotional blackmail always elicits a reaction opposite to that which was desired.

This is definitely the takeaway line.

In my case this type of blackmail provokes such a violent opposite reaction that I go out of my way to be contrary and enlist others to help me defeat the blackmailer's position.

Perry Logan said...

I think Obama's race is only a secondary factor in his ability to get away with sh*t.

Bascially, the corporate media decides who their darling is...and that person can get away with anything.

George W. Bush was the MSM's choice in 2000 and 2004--and they gave him an immunity comparable to Obama's.

The media seems to see its function as gaming the news so as to game the election, so their word on anything is completely unreliable.

Anonymous said...

I would typically agree based on logic, but as an anecdote: My mother lives in Missouri. She gets her hair done at a typical small town beauty shop.

Most of the beauticians are democrats. They talk politics all the time. They were always Bush bashing (to my mother's delight).

But now, these "Dem" women won't vote for Obama. Why? Because he is black. They flat out said it and my mother was horrified. She is a Hillary person, so naturally she thought that she might stay home after such a contentious primary. But after hearing that at the beauty shop, she is now voting for Obama.

Wow. So, I think racism may play a part in Obama's demise.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Joseph, you are keeping me sane. All my lefty friends and family are sure that the lightbringer will bring us peace and prosperity, just because he says so - who cares if he has a record to stand on. Can't talk to them about the election anymore. And now with Palin they are telling me that she's a christian nut who will get us all killed.But Obama and his (W)right church, no matter, nothing to see here, move along. They don't seem to understand that the US will have huge problems in regard to the economy and military no matter who gets elected. They really are looking for a savior and they think Obama is the one. That he can save us from our collective past, wipe our debt and military aggression away, just because he says so, not because of his record. We have hard times ahead and I say we better prepare for this mentally. The first step would probably be to stop demonizing "others", regardless if they are from another party or country. The second step would be to take stock of our own personal lives and try and put them in order. Analysis of the situation is good, projected hatred - not so much.I do see a great silver lining to this though, look how many dems (PUMA types) have finally opened their eyes and hearts to the other side. They no longer feel superior, they are willing to listen to others who they once thought were low class repubs (gun toting, bible reading, family values etc). They no longer see them as the enemy, just people with different views. And the women of PUMA don't hate Palin just because she is anti-abortion, they take a more nuanced view.We are creating a real dialogue here.

Anonymous said...

You sound bitter. But that's how all us racists sound.

All snark aside, I have trouble thinking of Obama as black/African American.

He was raised by the white half of his family, lived in Hawaii (where whites and blacks are a minority) and Indonesia (where he was a foreigner) and since he was 10 was in prep school, Ivy League Universities and law/politics.

He had no connection to AA community until his "community organizer" days, and very little since (other than Trinity UCC)

Socially and culturally, his white half is predominant.

The Other Elizabeff said...

Racism may indeed play a part in the election outcome. However, there is a world of difference between that and accusing anyone who will not vote for him of being racist.

Anonymous said...

Great article about Obama's blank years at Columbia.


Who is this guy?

Anonymous said...

And could Palin / McCain get away with their shit if they were black ?

Anonymous said...

For years a lot has been said about "The Combine" in Chicago Politics. What many don't know is it's also known as "The Shadow Government" but better called "The Political Mafia" instead. Obama is a TEAM member according to the family I was in for more than 26 years. They joined a huge Criminal System often bragged about being "The World's Largest Criminal System" in the late 70's. Theey also bragged about being a CIA asset as well. Their job is and has been to launder money straight into property using high level administrators in Big Banks. But part of this group includes Law Firms among other areas to ensure the legal issues are within tolerances for laundering. The family met Obama in the 90's and although they aren't lawyers, they said the group is wild about Obama. They often laughed about his name but was told that Obama had what was needed to help them. He was in their eyes a budding Shining Star. This is why in the Rezko Trial, certain elites were named as being involved with Rezko and Obama.

Having said the above, it's important to accept that this criminal system isn't limited to just the Illinois area. They are huge and exceed our boundaries. While married, the family often bragged about so many (to me) strange and scary things that I found most of this to be difficult to believe. Since the divorce, trying to learn about the many things talked about at the public library has proven to be easier said than done. I've lost all of my computers except for one because of efforts to stop me from reading researched information on what I know. Imagine, that it is so important for me NOT to read anything connected in what I know that they purposely destroyed and crippled my computers!

Joe, what you have listed as what Obama has done is only a small part of what else exists. The other parts need to surface but they are certainly expected to be protected as well. With such a huge crime system as this one, this group has to be scrambling around like crazy trying to cover up everything.

More another time....

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL