Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Al Franken

Congrats to Al Franken, who just won the primary in Minnesota. I've liked the guy ever since the days of Franken and Davis. I started to dislike Randi Rhodes when she dissed Franken on the air.

By the way, it seems that Obama is doing much worse than the down-ticket Dems. Of course, the PUMAs cannot possibly have anything to do with that; their numbers are insignificant.


SouthJerseyPUMA said...

Please feel free to use this!


2Truthy said...

Yay Al!

Pat Leahy should NOT be the only Deadhead in the Senate!

I was an actress and fan of Al Franken back in the Al F. Davis days, too. As a supporter of his MN campaign for Senate, I was also instrumental in getting his staff to agressively seek campaign contributions from my fabulously wealthy Republican brother in Maple Grove.
Onward, Al!