Friday, August 15, 2008


Question: Why, exactly, is the convention so late this year?

Question: If, as the Obots claim, Obama won a majority fair and square, then why is the DNC trying to rig the convention floor vote?

Question: If Obama is the candidate of inclusion, then why did he arrange a convention snub of congressman Charles Rangel, the powerful Harlem representative who supported Hillary Clinton?

You'll want to check out the talk at Talk Left.

Question: Is it really possible that people will use the Penn memo to argue that Hillary -- Hillary -- was the one who went negative during the primaries?

Question: Can you think of a more negative American primary campaign than the one waged by Barack OBama?

Question: Will someone please tie down Josh Marshall and force him (a la Clockwork Orange) to viddy the evidence of his many hypocrisies?

In today's TPM, Marshall notes a story which quotes John McCain as saying: ""If I may be so bold, there was another president . . ." McCain immediately caught himself, and re-worded: "At one time, there was a president named Ronald Reagan..."

Marshall's response:
..he really has gone considerably beyond what's ever been considered appropriate or acceptable for a presidential candidate.
Am I the only one who recalls Obama's "money" quote, in which the Lightbringer spoke as if he had already achieved the office? On that occasion, he did not correct himself.

For a similar exercise in hypocrisy, check out this Kos diary.

Question: Will Axelrod rethink his strategy now that McCain leads in Colorado?

Noted: I suppose I should have some words to say about the Indonesian school document which lists Barack Obama as Barry Soetoro, his nationality as Indonesian and his religion as "Islam." Suffice it to say that the same document apparently showed up on this Inside Edition segment last May.

In that clip, officials of the school say that the nationality and religion was made to match that of the stepfather as a matter of "routine." To be frank, I don't see this "revelation" as a big deal.


John said...

Joe, good find on the Inside Edition video. I guess that shoots down yet another NQ/TD attempt to make gold from sand.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"...convention so late this year?"
So that Bush doesn't have to declare martial law and cancel the elections until the last possible moment.

Anonymous said...

Hi I just wanted to say I like your writing, I must admit I was kinda caught up in the birth certificate thing, and I think there may be more to it. Or should I say Hope? I really just dislike obama so much I look for anything that will burst his bubble. Once again great writing.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a new short article from the Honolulu Advertiser on "Birth certificate in high demand"
Read the many comments that follow. People are whacked out. These people aren't against Obama because of anything logical they're against him because of phantoms. Too many crazies out there.

Perry Logan said...

There has never been a campaign as vile and divisive as Obama's. It has killed the Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the convention had to be so late so that Obama could make his acceptance speech on the anniversary of MLK's speech. Hmmm....