Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Once more, for the learning impaired

Jen here...

Sign your damn comments, cowards, or they won't be posted.


Anonymous said...

Uh, just out of curiosity: Why don't you simply disable the option to post anonymously? Would save you a lot of moderating efforts...

Janet M said...

Because some of us leave comments signed without logging into Blogger...

Ms. Vandal.

Anonymous said...

Jen? You sound exactly like Clint Eastwood, which is ironic since in some of his Westerns his character had no name at all. Maybe it's not ironic but merely a paradox.


Anonymous said...

"Because some of us leave comments signed without logging into Blogger..."
Just like me. So, you say, by disabling the "anonymous" option, the "name/url" option is also shut down? Hmm, I didn't know that, gotta have to check this...

Joseph Cannon said...

Jen is, in fact, tougher than Clint Eastwood. Every time the phone rings in the middle of the night, my first thought is: "I hope she hasn't killed again."

So I would advise the ill-mannered commenters to be VERY careful.

The main reasons why I insist on some sort of identifier:

1. The folks who come just to spew vitriol never sign their missives. So I can delete their words in good conscience when they violate the "no anonymity" rule.

2. A name or nick gives me the impression that I'm dealing with an actual human being, as opposed to some passing hooligan.

3. Everyone takes greater care with his or her work if it is understood that he or she will have to sign it.