Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oil and impeachment

Some people -- anti-Semites, mostly -- deny that oil theft motivated the decision to invade Iraq. All such "alternative" theories face one problem: The oil was, in fact, stolen -- and Cheney planned the theft well in advance.
Previously undisclosed Halliburton documents obtained by The Public Record confirm that controlling the world's second largest oil reserves was a top priority for the Bush administration. Additionally, the deal between the Department of Defense and Halliburton unit Kellogg, Brown & Root to operate Iraq's oil industry saved Halliburton from imminent bankruptcy.
The bankruptcy threat came from lawsuits over asbestos poisoning, which led to a form of cancer called mesothelioma. Those ultra-lucrative big money suits are the reason why lawyers have littered the landscape with so many ads trolling for mesothelioma sufferers. At one time, certain law firms would pay as much as ten dollars whenever someone clicked on a Google ad dealing with mesothelioma. (Most Google ads bring in pennies per click.) For a while, some bloggers went out of their way to mention the word "mesothelioma" in their posts, since Google's software automatically matches ads to certain key words. Words like "mesothelioma." Mesothelioma, mesothelioma, mesothelioma.

(Kidding. I don't even get the Google checks anymore, which were always quite miniscule, and I couldn't care less if they canceled the Adsense program on me. Let's get back to our story.)
A March 6, 2003 internal Pentagon e-mail sent by an Army Corps of Engineers official says "action" on a multibillion-dollar Halliburton contract was "coordinated" within Cheney's office.

The e-mail says Douglas Feith, the former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, received authorization from then Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz to “execute” the Restore Iraqi Oil contract to Halliburton in 2002.

Feith was one of the architects of the Iraq war who operated the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans that exaggerated the Iraqi threat and provided the White House with bogus information about links between Iraq and al Qaeda.
Right there, you have sufficient grounds for immediate impeachment of Dick Cheney. Not just impeachment: A RICO suit.


Anonymous said...

Of course, you are right. (And just as of course, the anti-Semites will point out Douglas Feith's Israeli connections, while ignoring the overwhelming fact that Cheney was his boss.)

Here’s another way to prove it, and it’s as simple as a scientific experiment.

Anti-Semites say that the neocons manipulated a gullible, post-9/11 frightened US public into Iraq for Israel’s benefit. They were gunning for war against Saddam since before Gulf 1 (or the first Iraq war).

Let’s conceded that they did want war against Saddam since Gulf 1 didn’t go the way they planned. But I have questions.

If they are so all-powerful, why was Saddam not removed in Gulf 1?
If they are so all-powerful, why was war against Saddam relegated to think tank pieces since Gulf 1?
Why did it take a shocking event like 9/11 to bring about a war against Saddam?

The answer is: the US gov’t is made up of competing power centers, of which the pro-Likud neocons are a very small part. They do exist and it’s not anti-Semitic to point it out. But as regards the second Iraq war, they were small peanuts compared to the oil men. Nothing that they said or believed was operative without an empowered Bush/Cheney power center pulling the levers. They were cheerleaders, that's all, not head coaches.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, Joseph. It's the critical motive for the war people cannot be allowed to ignore.

Anonymous said...

When will the media whores and cheerleaders of this war inform the public of this?