Friday, July 25, 2008

What impresses me most about Obama...

I got this from here:
"What impresses me most about Obama is how he and his crew survived for six days on coconuts after their PT boat was torpedoed in the Pacific Theater during WW2.

And to this day Obama still has back problems that resulted from the daring rescue of his men while under Japanese fire."
Truth be told, even I had to doff my cap to Obama when he led a team of SHIELD agents as they raided the headquarters of the Yellow Claw, who turned out to be a robot controlled by Dr. Doom. That was cool.

What's your choice for Obama's finest moment?


Anonymous said...

When Barack Obama traveled through time
To the year three thousand ten
He fought the evil robot king
And saved the human race again

And when Barack Obama built the pyramids
He beat up Kubla Khan
So we'll save Terence and Phillip too
'Cause that's what Barack Obama'd do!

(Apologies to South Park)

Peter of Lone Tree said...

I really admire the way he's been politicking for the European vote lately for the upcoming November elections.

Anonymous said...

What impresses me most about Obama is how he found a talking doll in a cave and used it to prove to Dr. Zaius that the planet had intelligent humans long before apes. But i mean, we're talking about the man who listened to Obama Kenobi's voice telling him to use the Force, turned off his targeting computer, and then fired a Death Star-destroying shot down a tiny exhaust port no bigger than a wamprat back home....

Anonymous said...

Listen, if it weren't for Obama, Charles VII would still be just a Dauphin and Orleans would be run by a bunch of limeys. So show a little respect, all right?

-- BB

Anonymous said...

it was pretty great when he killed Hitler, too.

Anonymous said...

...and who could ever forget that speech he made on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial forty five years ago next month?

Perry Logan said...

He constantly shields us from harmful solar radiation. That's why his gums are purple.

Anonymous said...

when he put his career on hold for a couple of days to fly into space and destroy the asteroid hurtling towards earth.

Anonymous said...

Actually Obama's finest day is yet to come. It will be November 4, the day he wins the election. He will carry all 57 states, from the Great Lakes of Oregon to the verdant arugula fields of Iowa to the bitter, gun-clinging Typical White Persons of Appalachia. Voter turnout in Germany will be massive (except on US military bases). He'll win unversal support by having taken every possible position on every controversial issue, all simultaneously. Only Michigan will vote against him, and that state's electors will be awarded to him anyway. The party platform will consist of all the O-bot comments assembled in your two long postings below -- and nothing else. Republicans and Islamic terrorists alike will repent of their evil and join in a universal round of Kumbaya-singing. The reign of the Messiah will commence. And everyone will get a magic unicorn of his very own.

Anonymous said...

Ich bin ein Berliner! (Obama Breaks Down. The crowd takes up his tune.)
Tear Down That Wall!

Anonymous said...

My fave slice in time was when Obama shit on your face and you cried for joy

Anonymous said...

What impresses me most about Obama is how in the midst of his presidential election campaign, he has refused to take his eyes off the prize of saving the US Constitution, and has finally been invited to come before the House Judiciary Committee today, and will appear as a witness himself before John Conyers' committee's hearing to testify on behalf of his two articles of impeachment against (gag) President Bush. Really, today is the first time in my life I have ever been proud of my Congress.


Anonymous said...

Spiderman wears OBAMA pajamas!

Anonymous said...

Listen up! I was sick, I had a crummy job, my house was under water (due to the oceans rising) and my planet was crying "Ooowie!" When BO (aka "Stinky") was crowned as nominee, that was the day I was promoted, my social disease started going away, the water in my basement started draining and my planet got a big dose of Neosporin! I will follow him wherever he leads! Which way to the loaves and fishes?

Anonymous said...

Liberating Paris.

Anonymous said...

for me, it's when Obama saved McCain "Rambo style" from his bamboo cage in 'nam.

Obama was able to sneak in the "Hilton" between 2 propaganda broadcasts McCain was recording for the North Vietnamese. Do you know they are selling the best moments of McCain propaganda tapes in a compilation ? (the DVD also include bloopers)

2Truthy said...

His mesmerizing oration skills.


If Obama can coerce a crowd of over 10,000 youths from Dusseldorf to fight the war on global enemas, just think of what we can accomplish in ten years with an Obama run!

Heil the Illinois Enema Bandit!

Anonymous said...

What impressed me most about Obama is how he established the Organian peace with the Klingons, driving nothing but a bus on a road of bodies...
It took a while to pave that road, but now the Klingons are our security guards and we don't have to use terrorists for that anymore

Mister Pleasant said...

It is a tossup for me, between his rising from the dead on the third day, or that time he provided Glade electric scent dispensers to the 10,000 tornado fatalities in Kansas, or the day he donned his Adam Strange costume and saved Earth from Eclipso for the last time.

Anonymous said...

I fondly remember Obama's fireside chats, and how he reassured us all that we had nothing to fear but fear itself....and of course racism, which we should especially fear, lest we be accused of it daily, if we do not support him.

I also admire his much quoted remark about the buck stops here.

He has proven time and again that he truly lives by that adage. Self-lessly taking responsibilty for his mistakes, never blaming others, and always staying true to his word.

If Obama takes a stance, or has ever said he would or would not do something, you can take it to the bank. His word is as good as gold.
Unlike so many other namby-pamby back-pedalers.

The giant-step for mankind statement he made when first stepping onto the surface of the moon, his ascension of Mt. Everest, the flight where he was the first to break the sound barrier, and on and on.

So many acomplishments, by such a wonderful man. top it all off, he basically kept all of his wonderous achievements hidden until 2004 or so.

Allowing us to falsely believe he actually had never done anything truly worthwhile, and had no vreifiable records of anything regarding his life.

Such disdain of self-glorification can only be attributed to his magnificent sense of humility and lack of ego. Which truly causes me to admire him even more.

There would be no U.S. history to be proud of at all, if we did not have Obama. This country, and we the citizens, owe everything good about America to this one man, and his honorable, patriotic, proud- American wife, Michelle, who has stood at his side throughout all the sacifices he has made for this country, and never once complained.

PS. I would have also mentioned all of his scientific discoveries he made over the years at Tuskeegee, especially those concerning the peanut. However, had I done so, it would have probably evoked my being called a racist! So, I left that out.

Anonymous said...

From an embarrassment of riches, my choice has to be that everyday thing he does, quiet, self-effacing and without regard to personal safety - he allows the sun to rise.

Anonymous said...

I remember, this one time at messiah camp, when Barack was walking on water and it all turned to wine... yeah, that was so funny!

Anonymous said...

Little Rock or Malta, it;s a toss up. He shown at both.