Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Head's up...

One of the pieces I'm working on, or at least mulling over, concerns a possible connection between the Illinois "combine" -- the syndicate of corrupt pols which gave us Barack Obama -- and the Reverend Moon.

This may sound outrageous at first. But before you dismiss the idea, ask yourself these questions (and it's okay to use Google): Who "crowned" moon in that Senate building? Which churches in particular were targeted by Moon's "tear down the cross" campaign? Who provides the financial backing for Farrakhan?


Anonymous said...

Senior McCain adviser helped arrange Rev. Moon coronation

Moon's newspaper The Washington Times is anti Obama.

The Bushes and Moonies have a long standing relationship.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead with your work as it’s absolutely true. My ex-wife’s family is directly involved starting from when they joined in the late 70’s. Their job was then to launder money straight into property using high level administrators in big banks using Mortgage fraud for Argentina’s “Dirty War”. Besides the Reverend Moon, the CIA is linked and many others. It’s beyond huge and people will have a difficult time believing it.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL

Anonymous said...

Let me guess: it's Moon and Obama who killed Vince Foster together ?

You sound exactly like the Clinton "researchers" (AKA haters) who speculated about all the "crimes" of the Clintons without any evidence.

What's next, you're going to "prove" that Obama is really a secret Muslim ? Not that you have a lot, but you should think about preserving the little amount of credibility you still have. But at the same time, I understand it's hard to wage a smear campaign and keep your credibility... (even if you call your attacks "speculations")

Anonymous said...

I think Joe is going to show how some Chicago politicians have a weird relationship with Rev, Moon. Like Danny K. Davis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_K._Davis

These guys support Obama. Therefor ...oh you know...

However the Moonie organization is anti Obama and does in fact have very close ties to the Repugs.

And we all know how terrible it is for some black politicians who might actually work with people like Farrakhan in their own communities. How dare they!

glennmcgahee said...

To the cate poster above. For some of us, being a Muslim is not a smear at all. What makes you think that it is? We have a Muslim Congressman from Minn.