Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Eggheads? No, bird brains

This Obama spot is SO FUCKING STUPID it should run on every PUMA site, and perhaps on every Republican site. This spot is vacuous, insubstantial, content-free, kitschy, maudlin and just plain idiotic. It talks down to the audience. It makes Obi look like a glib huckster. Did someone on McCain's team create it?

Added note (five hours after original post): Every day, I receive (and delete) comments attacking this site and defending the Lightbringer. Tellingly, no-one has attempted to defend this ad. Sorry, Mom -- it's hopeless!


Anonymous said...

As my commenters said, "Sorry, Mom"? WTF? They just can't help themselves, can they....

Anonymous said...

But the spot does have one virtue: for the first few seconds you think it's talking about venereal disease. This probably seemed witty at the writing stage, but the association never quite fades while you're watching. The analogy of Obamamania to an embarrassing, socially-awkward condition, caused by intimacy with the wrong people and best kept private, is a rather apt one -- as will be especially clear on November 5 when that cutesy chick, now a chicken, comes home to roost in the form of yet another Democratic defeat for the Presidency.

Anonymous said...

Well, I cannot wait to see McCain's ad showing Obama throwing that poor little chickie under a bud!

Joseph Cannon said...

Why should McCain run ANY ads?

Seriously. Remember Mort Sahl's great joke? "Ronald Reagan won because he ran against Jimmy Carter. If he had run unopposed, he would have lost."

Well, that's what's happening now, isn't it? Obama is running unopposed and, among likely voters, he is losing. If McCain actually starts to campaign, he might screw things up.

Perry Logan said...

Obama fans--the hopeful misogynists.

Anonymous said...

Teaching Law, Testing Ideas, Obama Stood Apart

The New York Times's Jodi Kantor reports: "The young law professor stood apart in too many ways to count. At a school where economic analysis was all the rage, he taught rights, race and gender. Other faculty members dreamed of tenured positions; he turned them down. While most colleagues published by the pound, he never completed a single work of legal scholarship. At a formal institution, Barack Obama was a loose presence, joking with students about their romantic prospects, using first names, referring to case law one moment and 'The Godfather' the next. He was also an enigmatic one, often leaving fellow faculty members guessing about his precise views. Mr. Obama, now the junior senator from Illinois and the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, spent 12 years at the University of Chicago Law School. Most aspiring politicians do not dwell in the halls of academia, and few promising young legal thinkers toil in state legislatures. Mr. Obama planted a foot in each, splitting his weeks between an elite law school and the far less rarefied atmosphere of the Illinois Senate."

Obama is a hell of a lot smarter and "wiser" then you will ever be in your dreams and phantasies Cannnon so "Get over it"
Unless you have lost the power to jump

gary said...

OK, I thought it was clever and funny. But that's just me.

Anonymous said...

The "sorry, Mom" was the best part! It shows that there are many moms out there trying to educate their kids, and the kids KNOW deep in their hearts they are doing something stupid despite having been warned.