Wednesday, July 30, 2008

And his palms bleed on Easter Sunday

From Dana Milbank:
Inside, according to a witness, he told the House members, "This is the moment . . . that the world is waiting for," adding: "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."
As Nietzsche said:
"And that is why I am a DESTINY!"
(He really wrote that. Just before going mad.)


Perry Logan said...

Break out the tranquilizer darts.

Anonymous said...

and you, you has been, you once was, have already gone mad without saying anything memorable.
You are an embarrassment to those that endeavor to raise the bar and contribute to the political thought in our crisis. You have no shame, you are destined to be a toilet plunger in hell's toilet throughout eternity.
What a shame you are, what a travesty, what a nincompoop.
You have said next to nothing about the really serious issues we are facing today..nothing at all.
Stay in bed and drool on you dirty pillow.

Anonymous said...

Washington - The House on Tuesday issued an unprecedented apology to black Americans for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws.

When are you going to have the moral courage and the backbone to publicly apologize for your stupidity and ridiculous remarks about Kucinich, his wife, Obama and his wife and the many other harmful and obsessive hate filled actions and slanderous efforts?
Is it all because you are so unhappy and unfulfilled as a husband to someone besides your ego?
Married to your own self image what an amazing freak you are.
A new illness Cannon you have finally scored a place in the halls of the asylum of history.
Truly pathetique

Anonymous said...

"This is the moment . . . that the world is waiting for," adding: "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."

Like Kennedy before him..
Yes We Can.. he has become a "symbol" to many people. He obviously symbolizes hope, change, reform, sanity, compassion, strength of character, youthful idealism, racial equality, brilliance, humor and even love to some and charity to others. And like Kennedy if he is assassinated I can see you rolling and drooling on the filthy floor laughing maniacally, convulsing and slurping up[ your own vomit. What a sight!

Joseph Cannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joseph Cannon said...

As I keep reminding you people, I have a handful of "regulars" who send me this creepy stuff on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. Usually, I delete after whiffing the first few words -- even though the messages can be quite long.

The whole exercise is thus quite pointless. And yet they have been keeping it up for months.

The three messages here seem to have come from the same person, to judge from the writing style. This person shows up several times a day.

Does this behavior count as stalking?

(Leola, is that you? Maybe I should trace the IP address...)

At any rate, the mentality of the average Obot stands revealed.

"and you, you has been, you once was, have already gone mad without saying anything memorable. "

If I should have the honor of writing the Joker's dialogue in the next Batman movie, I'll have to steal that line.

Anonymous said...

These comments were definitely written by the same person, obsessed with bodily functions - drool, vomit, toilets and oh yes, the French!

Didn't President #42 already make that "unprecedented" apology in Uganda in 1998 and severely attacked for it?

I just don't know how you can bear to read even a few words of this filth day after day.

John Smart said...

One nice thing is that Obama IS going to fail. It will be so much fun to watch.

Perry Logan said...

Wow. Those are some mean mouths.

Just give me the word, Joe, and I'll hunt them down and kill them.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised with all the love you're sharing that there's people who hate you out there. But when you think about it, they killed the baby Jesus at the end and spreading love was his business too... so maybe you should throttle down the love a little bit. Sometimes, too much is like not enough.

Would you say it started after you allowed your little inner Rush Limbaugh / Michael Savage to come out of the closet ?

Anonymous said...



the gay man who has claimed he had sex and did drugs with Barak Obama in Chicago!!!

Larry Sinclair will be my guest at 9:00 PM eastern time tomorrow night. Be sure to tune-in as this man talks about what he did with the presumptive Democrat nominee for President.

Joseph Cannon said...

Might be worth a laugh. But I think Sinclair is wacky.