Friday, July 04, 2008

Declaration of Objections

Here it is: The PUMA movement declares independence from the Democratic Party.
Resolved, that the cynical exploitation of cultural issues will not be rewarded with votes, and that it is part of the PUMA mission to educate the electorate about such abuses.
Have a fun and safe July 4, people. I expect to spend the day with my Mighty Hound, munching on barbecue chicken.


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th yourself! How about a picture of the Mighty Hound sometime.

Anonymous said...

some morons thought that voting for Bush was better than Kerry (they needed to punish the party for not choosing X instead of Kerry). So it's not surprising that some frustrated little egos would prefer to vote for McCain.

But you must admire the imagination of people behind PUMA... it sounds much better than "frustrated sore losers who would prefer to destroy their country by voting for a moron like Bush / McCain than admit that Obama is not the black ante-Christ" (or "trannies" )?

glennmcgahee said...

The losers are the folks who are willing to follow a candidate no matter what he/she says because they are new and shiny. Look deeper for some substance and policy. There is nothing there. I can hear the flip-flops again at the Republican convention. The Obama candidacy hasn't taken a stand yet. He IS going to hold hands with the Republicans. Is that what the Democrats were hoping for? The pandering to the evangelicals is the last straw for me. Keep your religions to yourself and away from my gov't.

Anonymous said...

Hey PUMA my ass,while you are on the subject of morons it is morons like you that got us the present administration for the last two elections.It is a lot more than "frustrated little egos" that is the problem.The idiots that put Bush in are starting to see their folly now that it is to late to correct the terrible things that he has done to our country. The Democratic Party was our only hope, but with the Obama cultists in control the Democratic Party is no longer concerned with the real needs of the people.Our only chance is if they see that this kind of stupidity will cost the Party the election.Then maybe we can stand together against a common enemy and the Party can be united again. I have tried to make this overly simple so you could understand.