Friday, May 02, 2008

More on Palfrey

Did Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the accused DC Madam, commit suicide -- or was she murdered?

'Tis the season of unthinkabilities: I never thought I'd be vowing to vote against the Democrat, never thought the Clintons would stand accused of racism, never thought I'd feel betrayed by my friends in blogworld -- and never thought I'd link to the conspiracy-monger Alex Jones. Nevertheless, you should go here right now:
"We now know it goes at least as high as a United States Senator," Palfrey told The Alex Jones Show, "I’m hearing rumors now from other people that there are other possibilities in that stratosphere so to speak, on that level."

"No I’m not planning to commit suicide," Palfrey told The Alex Jones Show on her last appearance in July, "I’m planning on going into court and defending myself vigorously and exposing the government," she said.
Of course, those words were said before she had her day in court. Even so, one would expect the mainstream media to repeat the quote.

Jones' ultra-sensationalistic style irks me, but this interview is important. She discusses and dismisses the possibility of suicide, as well as the rumors linking Dick Cheney to her case. The only published source for those rumors is, alas, Wayne Madsen, whom I do not trust.

Still, let us -- with all due caveats and caution -- consider various theories.

As we've noted repeatedly, the strangest aspect of this case concerns the singling out of Palfrey's operation: Why her? Why leave so many other DC sex rings unmolested?

I doubt that a mere '90s-era liaison with Dick Cheney, in and of itself, would justify this choice of target, especially since no damning phone records have come to light. The most desirable escorts charge $3000 to $5000 a night; Palfrey's ladies, though expensive, did not operate in that range.

I have long suspected a more complex scenario than that imagined by most observers. When I spoke to Palfrey, she confirmed that she did not know the girls who worked for her very well. Although she knew something of their backgrounds, she had no way of double-checking their own accounts of themselves. Moreover, she had no way of knowing if they were working with other parties, or if they had been compromised by law enforcement.

In short and in sum, Deborah Jeane Palfrey suspected that one or more of her ladies had been recruited into functioning as the bait in a honeytrap. (A "honeytrap" is spy parlance for a sex sting operation.) The targets might have been as well known as Dick Cheney (whose stances did morph in strange ways throughout the 1990s) or they might be people with names unknown to the general public. The manipulators might have worked for an American agency, or they might have been employed by a foreign service.

If the reader will forgive a bit of self-quotation:
One historical nugget I keep mentioning in this blog concerns Xaviera Hollander, the New York City madam credited with writing The Happy Hooker in 1971. The co-writer (ghost writer?) of the book was Robin Moore -- an odd choice, since he usually specializes in military and intelligence matters. Anthony Summers, in his Nixon bio, tells us (in a footnote!) that, according to Moore, the CIA had set up clandestine cameras in Xaviera's bedroom, in order to get blackmail material on Washington pols and visiting Arab potentates.

The Arabs requested non-Jewish girls. At the time, nobody knew that Xaviera was Jewish (on her father's side).

The Moore/Hollander book contains a chapter in which Moore himself receives credit for having set up the hidden cameras in Xaviera's bedroom -- for "research" purposes. Obviously, that excuse is absurd. Just as obviously, the real reason this book received such widespread publicity was to let certain parties know that embarrassing photos existed -- and to let them know about Xaviera's heritage.

And that (I believe) is how America managed to keep one generation of Middle East leadership under control.
Did history repeat itself? If so, I would argue that any Jewish girls working for Palfrey might be best positioned to reveal what really happened.

Added note: I wish I had spoken to Palfrey about Dan Moldea, her claimed "biographer" and sole source of her alleged threat to commit suicide. Those of you who have taken an interest in Moldea's works may wonder about the period of inactivity which followed the 1989 publication of Interference: How Organized Crime Influences Professional Football. He did not publish a book again until The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy in 1997, which initiated a period of furious activity. The previous period of inactivity caused him to complain bitterly to at least one person known to me. I will say no more.

Many have wondered why Robin Moore, a well-connected writer who otherwise focused on spies and the military, chose to be the biographer of a prostitute. The section quoted above may cast some light on that mystery.

The preceding paragraph has nothing whatsoever to do with Dan Moldea, whose bibliography may be found here. I strongly urge readers to read Jim DiEugenio's The Curious Case of Dan Moldea, which can be found here.


Gary McGowan said...

I recall reading once a bit of wisdom to the effect that If you felt your life was in danger in situations akin to these, your best option was to go public--get the information out.

As I recall, the reasoning was something like there would be less reason for your enemies to kill you then, and perhaps more chance of blowback in their direction.

Separately, although the WaPo stinks, there is something of note there on this sad and outrageous affair:

Gary McGowan said...

Another aspect which should not go unnoted:

"The D.C. Madame scandal is important for several reasons but the core issue is the fact that the majority of high-level public and government officials are embroiled in these kinds of activities, along with even seedier pursuits, and this ensures they are completely compromised and can be politically blackmailed to maintain the status quo, because if it was to fall then they would go down with it.

"This strikes at the very root of why the majority in Congress consistently oppose immediate withdrawal from Iraq, a new investigation into 9/11 and the impeachment of Bush and Cheney - because to lend support to such actions would leave them vulnerable to a brutal exposé of whatever skeletons are in their closet."

Paul Joseph Watson at Prisonplanet

Gary McGowan said...

"Why her? Why leave so many other DC sex rings unmolested?"

High profile. Well-known. Bound to get a lot of press coverage. Scare the shit out of potential talkers. Or as said in the comments to your first post on this murder:

"It's supposed to look like murder, and painful."

If I were a criminal investigator, I'd want to consider the timing too. That is, what came across Cheney's desk (figuratively speaking) just before she was murdered?

Presidential primaries? Superdelegates?

Sometimes things become more clear as these murdering scum trip over themselves trying to misdirect investigations. Sometimes where a story comes from is as important as what it says or doesn't say

There's also the timing with the news cycle--what is this story pushing to the back pages in the
news? Although, offhand, I suspect that may not apply here.

Anonymous said...

What about that WashPo article which reported Deborah and her mother were both "tired" immediately upon awakening and the mother took a nap? Sounds suspicious, no? Was some toxic gas introduced to get mom out of the way and to incapacitate Deborah?

That was me that posted the link, btw.


Anonymous said...

Yeah and Amanda Keller who hooked up with Mohammad Atta worked for a strip club owned by someone subscribing to a certain pastoral religion. Everyone knows what is going on... just a matter of when people are going to wake up to it all.

Anonymous said...

p.s. Whose purposes does Alex Jones really serve? For those who don't remember, he is the guy who predicted the coming of 9/11 and bragged about... and he's also from Bush country Texas. What is Alex Jones really up to???

Gary McGowan said...

Here's a Dec. 2006 article about the Medical Examiner's office where I understand the autopsy will be performed. Not encouraging.

Anonymous said...

There are other ways they use to get rid of people besides suicide. Although we read about so many that are questionable we forget that other methods are in play as well.

I know of others but I doubt if anyone will believe me. Frankly in the Illinois area, there are actually three (3) what they call “Machines” being used to get rid of people. That means that there must be so many being processed, one can’t keep up!

And if you don’t believe me, I have a close friend who is a witness to her friend of 10 years being murdered in one of them. Some of her children will also testify that it was murder too.

And no one will ever guess who all knows about this too!

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL

AitchD said...

Deborah Jeane's personal knowledge and phone records amount to little or nothing without corroboration. As Joseph's crack reportage implies, the sex workers, being cut-outs, would be the first-hand eye witnesses. They have been sufficiently chilled, one may presume.

A few weeks ago when Spitzer's trysts surfaced, I wrote here about an escort service ring operating in Charlotte, NC, having been busted some months prior to the Spitzer headlines. I'm a naif, but I suspected that someone in the Charlotte ring sang and named some names to avoid bad jail time. The Observer (Charlotte's only daily rag) reported that the judge sought some plea bargaining (if I'm recalling it right). You can find it online, maybe through The Observer's archives ( I also said if anyone connects a canary from that bust to the Spitzer sting, someone will be murdered. Whatever. Personally, I'd rather the sex workers STFU and the motherfuckers go 'free' than read about any more suicides or worse. And escorts, if you're reading this, you're probably too young (haha) to recall that the SCOTUS ruled 9-0 that Paula Jones could sue the sitting POTUS in civil court, i.e., they ruled that her case could go forward without any delay. I'm saying be careful you don't even get a parking ticket.

Anonymous said...

Would we have gotten an A kind of expose on poor Debra if Joe wasn't so busy grinding Barry into a pulp?
Guess we shall never know!