Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The wheels of the bus go round and round... (Or: OBAMA LIES AGAIN!)

Obama has come out strongly against Wright in his press conference:
"What particularly angered me was his suggestion somehow that my previous denunciation of his remarks were somehow political posturing,” said Obama, who added that Wright had shown “little regard for me” and seemed more concerned with “taking center stage.”

“It was antithetical to our campaign, it was antithetical to what we’re about,” he said. “I cannot prevent him from making these remarks” but “when I say I find these comments appalling I mean it..."
That "little regard for me" remark is telling, isn't it?

Wright embraced Farrakhan yet maintained a place in the Obama campaign. Wright screeched about conspiracy theories that are wacky even by my liberal standards, and Obama didn't mind. But the moment Wright inconvenienced the Savior From Illinois, the Savior said: "I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more!"

THE LIE: Obama now says that Wright was never his "spiritual adviser" or "spiritual mentor." Oddly, he never corrected the Chicago Tribune's use of that phrase, which came after Wright had bestowed a lifetime achievement award on Louis Farrakhan.

In a letter dated February 5, 2007 Obama referred to Wright as his "Friend, mentor and pastor."
I constantly remember Rev. Wright as the shepherd who guided me to my commitment to Christ one Sunday morning at Trinity. I often consider, as I work in the Senate, how he lives his life - a life of service to Trinity, Chicago and the nation; his activism on behalf of causes that few would champion; and his dogged commitment to the first principles of love for God and fellow man. And in my personal walk, I seek daily to imitate his faith.
Now, I'm not known as a churchly fellow, as those of you who recall my Easter homily will testify. But don't those words paint a picture of spiritual mentoring?

(Actually, I'd be interested in a definition of the term "spirtual mentor" from someone who does belong to a faith tradition.)

I'll be very amused to see the progblogs brush away this reversal of documented truth, while continuing to treat the Bosnia flap as the most important lie ever.

Time for Plan B: A couple of posts down, I quoted a few Kossacks who seemed to be under the impression that Wright's speechmaking would prove incredibly popular throughout Freedom's land: "I wonder if we can carry Idaho!" I guess those progs are going to have to put their views into rewrite, since Mr. Wonderful himself disagrees with their assessment.

So now it's time for the fallback plan -- Operation Blame Hillary For Everything:
Score 1 for the media and I guess Hillary...
Report on the real news, CNN, not the fake news that Hillary wants you to report.
Ah yes. Hillary controls CNN. While I haven't the nerve to check out the orange Kool-Aid slurpers, here's the TPM crew:
Come on, Wright wash pushed onto the national stage, and slandered, by the Clinton campaign and his presence there was perpetrated by media talking hairdos.
Actually, the controversy began as far back as February of 2007, when Rolling Stone wrote a piece on Wright. Of course, the Evil Clinton Conspiracy gives Rolling Stone its marching orders.

We're going to hear a lot more of this inanity. Like it or not, Bob Somersby has it right:
But Reverend Wright was always going to be a part of this campaign. While we type our favorite novels about what has transpired in the past several months, we might at least note this fact: The slobbering racists of the Clinton campaign never said one word about this.

Remember when Wright first surfaced? Remember when I predicted that this story was going to be huge? Remember when my readers and the progblogs said that Obama's ever-so-wonderful speech had ended the controversy once and for all? Remember when I said: No no no, we have not heard the last of Wright? Remember when my wonderful readers replied: You're wrong, Joe, it's over, and the whole matter turned out to be a net plus for Obama, and now we're never going to hear about Wright again?

Remember? Remember all that stuff?

In the immortal words of Meister Eckhart: Neener Neener Neener.


Anonymous said...

Survey USA has Hillary w/in 5 points of The Messiah. If she were to pull to dead-even, that would be an amazing upset.

I never bet against Scorpios.

Anonymous said...

I don't have cable, thank god.

I just read that Chris Matthews is comparing Obama to Richard II. I guess that's what puts a feeling in his leg.


Anonymous said...

"Remember when I predicted that this story was going to be huge?"

You were right to predict that the Hillary campaign and their Republican allies would make sure that this story would stay in the media (go on and pretend that the Clintons have no contacts or influence in the media).

It's going to be the Dean cry of Obama. All the racist white folk who won't admit it now have their perfect excuse to bitch Obama. It's incredibly sad how Americans are stupid now (including yourself Joe), choosing their leader on such ridiculous issues.

God dam America for its stupidity.

And you would be happy if Hillary win because she choose a better pastor ? Do you think a black man like Obama would have felt invited in the church Hillary is attending ?

Joseph Cannon said...

Always, these creeps are bravely anonymous. I deleted a couple of other anonymous comments without reading them, but I thought I'd let this one through. Whim.

Cute, innit? Hagee's ties to McCain are very very important -- but Wright and Obama is a "non-story."

Cute, innit? Hillary's comment on Bosnia is THE WORST LIE EVER -- yet Obama's "mentor" lie is considered unimportant.

Cute. Cute indeed.

Joseph Cannon said...

By the way -- did I call the shot or what? As Mr. Bravely Anonymous proves, the Wright story is being laid at the feet of Hillary (who had NOTHING to do with it!) and "her Republican allies."

Look closely into Obama's mob pals in the Rezko affair. O-man is the one with Republican allies.

And of course, Mr. Bravely Anonymous Prog implies that anyone who doesn't want to vote for Obama must be racist.

When progs start feeling the heat, they always revert to knee-jerk asininity.

Anonymous said...

What can be done by Obama that would satisfy you ?

Joseph Cannon said...

Excellent question, Anon! I would love to see him turn on his old Chicago mob cronies, and cooperate with Patrick Fitzgerald in the "Operation Board Games" corruption trials -- Rezko is only the first to go. Did you know that in the indictment drawn up by Fitz, Obama is mentioned repeatedly? Not by name -- I think he's called "a political candidate."

Basically, Obama was tagged for inclusion into the gang, sort of like the kid at the beginning of "The Departed." I'd like to see Obama take the witness stand against that group of gangsters.

Anonymous said...

"Wright embraced Farrakhan yet maintained a place in the Obama campaign. Wright screeched about conspiracy theories that are wacky even by my liberal standards, and Obama didn't mind. But the moment Wright inconvenienced the Savior From Illinois, the Savior said: "I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more!""

He was inconveniencing Obama last week.

This week went a wee bit beyond an inconvenience. Wright got up and said "Hey, I DO believe all that and Barry does too! He just can't admit it because he's a lying politician."

Either Wright is stupid, or he's not. I think he's not. Which means he went from "embarrassing drunk uncle" to "sticking a knife in a pal's back" just that quick.

Kudos for predicting it wasn't over. I didn't think it was that easy, either.

Citizen K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


I voted for Obama. Satisfied?

Here's what he could do to make up for this. Joe says, turn on his old Chi-town allies.

I say, turn against race-based affirmative action. End it, don't mend it. Replace race-based affirmative action with class-based. Class differences are the dirty secret in the US.

A black who graduates from HarvardPrincetonYale has more advantages than a white who goes to a community college. Fuck all this shit about white privilege. Money privilege in the US exists. When money talks, bullshit walks.

You asked, I answered.

Anonymous said...

Careful with the "I can't stands it no more" quote. Borders on old racist joke here in the part of the South I'm from. Or maybe you meant so.

Joseph Cannon said...

Are you serious, anon? WHAT racist joke?

I was, of course, referring to one of Popeye's most famous axioms. The phrase has another meaning?

Joseph Cannon said...

I think the best solution for affirmative action would be to set goals and to indicate to the public that it will not last forever -- that it will end if the goals are met by a certain time. The message will be: "We want to see the following list of changes take place in society by the year 2030." At that time, a commission will determine whether the changes have been implemented.

It is, of course, far more important to eradicate class advantages. It has become very difficult in our society for the disadvantaged to better their lot.

AitchD said...

It could be offending, and it is racist: whenever I'm asked to say what my race is, none of the choices apply to me, and I always say I was born and raised in Brooklyn and ask, "What race does that make me?" So the smarty-pants asks about my heritage, and I say my parents were born and raised in Brooklyn also. In the future everyone will have RFID chip implants with DNA code embedded that will auto-activate every 15 minutes.

(In 1986 at the Tampa Bay airport, the snack area had spinach pies and listed them in three places - on the wall-mounted menu board above and behind the servers; on the counter's placards; and inside the glass case next to the pies. None of the three was spelled like either of the other two, and all three were incorrect.)

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing the usual buzz that Wright has "something" on Obama and my wont is to discount it.

But I'm beginning to wonder.

And I don't think it's something juicy-scandalous-sexy.

It may be something as dull as education policy.

What made my blood boil more than anything else in Wright's speech was the bald assertion that black and white children learn differently and that these different learning styles are brain-based. Of course, in the middle of his "different is not deficient" line it's pretty clear that he thinks blacks are superior:

"Dr. Hale showed us that in comparing African-American children and European-American children in the field of education, we were comparing apples and rocks."

It's pretty obvious from the order of the sentence that he thinks blacks are the apples (delicious, organic) and whites are the rocks (inert, unalive).

In the speech, Wright cites a couple of tenured black hackademics.

I wonder if Wright and Obama ever discussed the validity of these theories? It's a reasonable thing to ask as (a) education is so vitally important to black empowerment and (b) blacks lag in every educational indicator, esp. the hard sciences.

If so, I wonder what Obama said or expressed during these conversations?

LINK: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/04/28/wright.transcript/index.html?imw=Y

Anonymous said...

J.—if we're going to get metaphysical, it's not so much that Ms. October 26th has ahem, a better chance, as that Mr. August 4th has NO SHOT. I could post more, but I think I'd get banned. ...It's a Saturn conjunct natal Pluto thing. The Obamas will be feeling the pain from that until well after the convention. You can pull off a lot of things under Saturn con Pluto, but a valid, legal or recognized election win isn't likely to be one of them.

Not a reason to vote for or against either one of them, of course, I just had to get that out.

Joseph Cannon said...

For some reason, the only comment that I really want to address is one of aitchd's charming non-sequitors:

"(In 1986 at the Tampa Bay airport, the snack area had spinach pies and listed them in three places - on the wall-mounted menu board above and behind the servers; on the counter's placards; and inside the glass case next to the pies. None of the three was spelled like either of the other two, and all three were incorrect.)"

It is said that if you go to Pearse train station in Dublin (seen in "Michael Collins" and the most recent "Lassie" movie), you will find that the great hall is dominated by two giant clocks which face each other. The clocks NEVER agree. And if you ask anyone who works there why the clocks in a train station don't tell the same time, you'll hear: "If they agreed, then one of them would be superfluous."