Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Look not into that terrible orange void

After staying away for quite a while, I peeked into the Great Orange Void known as the Daily Kos. Curiosity got the better of me.

I found this strong condemnation of John McCain for associating himself with Pastor Hagee. Yet the Kossacks continue to argue that it is out of line to discuss Obama's pastor. And they see no contradiction.

Then I found these front-paged sentiments, which presume (without proof) that Hillary is to blame for Obama's bad news cycle:
But now that the popular vote is lost, they have opened up their bag of evil. The way it looks to me, every contact they have in the media has been tapped to tear down Obama.
If Hillary gets elected, we will have up to 8 years of this. I for one am not going to take it. I feel like I have been forced to take sides in this fight. I have to act to protect my Party and my Country.
I no longer see any policy difference on the war. Clinton has gone out of her way to present herself as "Warmonger in Chief".

She is a cancer on the Democratic Party.
And on and on and on. That's just one diary on one day; there are many more like it. To paraphrase a memorable number from Singing in the Rain:

Markoses supposes psychosis is gnosis. But Markoses supposes erroneously.

I will not soon return to the malignant Moulitsas miasma. Gaze not into the orange, lest the orange gaze into thee.


AitchD said...

Got the Droog refs even if you didn't, they being as clear as an azure sky of deepest summer.

Joseph Cannon said...

What droog ref? That which is orange is not necessarily clockwork.

Anonymous said...

Markoses supposes....LOL?

Now are you gonna Youtube this? Who gets to be Gene Kelly? Wright or Obama? Or do you superimpose his head on that adorable little Debbie Reynolds, that minx who makes Scarlet Johanson look like a pile of lukewarm vanilla yogurt?

AitchD said...

Singing in the Rain like Scaramouche, o my brother.

Gary McGowan said...

I don't know, but my best guess after poking around a couple minutes:


"I'm a 25-year-old, married father of one from Oklahoma. I'm a former conservative and a current print reporter."

"I work for a major daily paper, and I got where I am because I worked for it."

Seems to be rational (but not too radical for them) and get away with it over there.

Curiosity got the best of me.

J said...

Love your insight! Where's the Doug Coe expose?