Friday, April 18, 2008

The view from Olympus (Added note)

Many Obamaphile readers have thought that they could impress me with declarations that they will never again visit this site. Let me explain something: Most bloggers plead to be "linked" on more popular sites. I have never -- ever -- asked anyone else to extend a permanent link to Cannonfire. And I've just now asked Raw Story to remove their link to my work.

For quite some time, whenever Larisa Alexandrovna asked me to write about something, I have obediently done as requested. Once and only once, I asked for reciprocation -- for her to mention on her private blog a piece I had done on Obama, a piece containing original research. She refused to do so, because the presidential election was, in her EXACT WORDS, "no longer relevant." She was after larger game, y'see. And she then asked me to publicize another of her recent investigations.

Oddly enough, despite her Olympian disregard for a mere presidential election, she saw fit to publish a toxic bit of anti-Hillary spew, containing no new facts, just invective. (She did not write that piece.)

I didn't feel right criticizing Raw Story's lead investigative reporter as long as that publication still linked to me. Now that the link is gone, I may speak more freely. I'll always appreciate Larisa's work, and I am grateful for the friendship she once extended to me. But it is hypocritical to affect an Olympian disregard when one's true feelings are partisan.

If I'm willing to bid her do svidania, believe me -- your miffed farewells will hardly affect me. Arguably, that attitude means that I have my own "Olympian" side. Goodbyes are sad, but divorce is sometimes necessary. When the faux-gressives decided to accuse the Clintons of racism, a fissure beyond healing erupted.

Added note: No comments on this story will appear. There is no need to make private issues public. I don't want to publish any further words Larisa may find hurtful. She's still a terrific reporter.

I would note, however, that her site now features a message from "Dick McManus," an alleged "Chief Warrant Officer/Counterintelligence Special Agent, US Army, retired," who has written an online book. "I just posted some work I did regarding the United States Attorney's Office, Western Judicial District, Fort Smith, Arkansas suppressing evidence of drug trafficking in Mena, AR. There is some evidence of campaign money for the Gov. Clinton's campaign orginating from laundered drug trafficking profits." He then goes on to warn us about the "Clinton death list."

Of course, if this man's credentials and evidence were real, he would be able to find a real publisher. (Even his name sounds like a nomme-de-porn.) Oddly, state prosecutor Charles Black -- who had compiled all the evidence on the Mena operation -- told me about none of this when I spoke to the guy back in 1992.

Obviously, one can't hold Larisa responsible for this crap. (She's busy tonight talking to Mike Malloy, the broadcast "genius" who once warned his listeners about the Bush/Crowley connection.) But the fact that one may reliably find these smears infecting the "progressive" sites demonstrates why the entire prog movement now makes me want to vomit.


Anonymous said...
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John said...
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Becki Jayne said...

Hi, Joseph. This is OT but...

I would like your permission to add the first panel of your Kos Kid cartoon with full credit and link at the top of a post I wrote on the kid here.

Can you let me know if it's OK to add?

Drop me a line in comments at the link. Or use my email, also at the link.

Love the cartoon.

Joseph Cannon said...

Becki, by all means republish the whole thing and anything else of mine that might appeal to you. I like your site.

Y'know, divorce may be painful, but at least it frees you to meet new people. That's true both literally and figuratively. Ever since I "divorced" myself from the Kos/DU side of the net, I've discovered some excellent writers on sites previously unknown to me.