Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hillary Clinton, gay-basher

A blog previously unknown to me, The Real Spiel, takes note of the official Moulitsas reaction to Hillary's debate performance. Not only did the Kos Kid fill his bowl with his usual crap about the dreaded DLC and Hillary-the-"corporatist," he also tries to portray Hillary as -- get this! -- anti-gay. To which the Spiel-er says:
First, probably because I'm a lesbian, I wonder why the king of the Orange Sippy Cup™ tied SFO with "where those gays live!" Says more about *cough* him than it does Hillary Clinton who is far more LGBT-friendly than Mr. Homophobe as you can read here, here, here, midway down here, and LGBT irony alert, blast from the Hillary Haters Club past here.
Is the Blog Boy inventing a storyline--"San Francisco bashing"--out of thin air from his perch on the pique peak of Mt. Orange Sippy Cup™? Gays and lesbians love Hillary. She has marched in our Gay Pride parades. Chelsea campaigns at our gay bars. And Hillary Clinton has not invited an ex-gay homophobe over the objections of the LGBT community to fundraise for her. But Obama did.
Y'know -- it has occurred to me. Ten years ago, Moulitsas and Stassinopoulos (a.k.a. Arianna) were die-hard Republicans. (Some say they still are.) Now, they have positioned themselves as the arbiters of who is and who isn't permitted to be a Democrat. And life-long Dems such as yours truly no longer feel welcome.


Anonymous said...

exactly. but the dick sucking obamatrons dont really care about all that jazz, they just want "change", at any price. fucking republicans, all those who ruined what once used to be an informative sight i.e. the kos. tis a shame. youre doing a pretty good job of posting some edifying info. keep up the good work my man.

Anonymous said...

..."but the dick sucking obamatrons..."


Like there's something wrong with dick sucking.