Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Jen again...

Before blogworld is consumed by the results from Ohio and Texas, I wanted to make a quick post about the Kenya situation.  

A fulsome analysis of what's happened thus far isn't possible in a forum of this nature, but this recent AP piece can give you a quick-and-dirty summary.

Kenya's history, including the story of how it became one of the most prosperous nations in Africa, is pretty interesting.  You might give it a look-see if you have time.


Anonymous said...

I think you mean "full," not "fullsome."

Anonymous said...

And I mean "fulsome," not "fullsome."


AitchD said...

The wikipedia piece is exquisite. It's like an Encyclop(a)edia Britannica article, or it could be an Encyclopedia Africania article if there's such a thing. Anyone who reads it could go to their local college and pass a credit-by-exam course in Kenya's history and political structure. If you follow half the links, you could earn a major in the subject; all the links and you'd lack only the dissertation. What I knew about Kenya came from Richard Leakey when I saw him for an evening at the Carnegie Lecture Hall; from (the under-appreciated) "White Mischief" movie; from the TV and press coverage of the Mau-Mau horrors; from coffee scholarship; and largely from Hollywood's vile and shameful embrace of white-supremicist, Manifest Destiny/colonial support (Tarzan um-good, but Cochise um-bad).

It's scary. It could happen here. In a few weeks, or in November. It's 50-50, isn't it?

Hypertext linkage drives a stiletto into the heart of doctrinaire rhetoric.

Anyone recall the Teach-Ins circa 1963-68? No? We live in the interesting times of Teach-In 2.0.

Do you know about this?


Anonymous said...

No, I meant 'fulsome,' dipshit. If you're going to poke, bring a bigger stick.

Anonymous said...

'Fulsome' means cloying and insincere or something like that. Look it up, dipshit. Anonymous was right.

Joseph Cannon said...

Stop acting like such a dipshit and apologize to the lady, shaphan. The primary meaning of "fulsome" is copious. The word can also mean offensive, overdone, or cloying.


AitchD said...

How about dipshit Tim Russert on MSNBC saying about a Clinton vs. McCain contest, "... in a mano a - I guess it would be mano a womano (heh)" and Ol Keith (heh) agreed dippingly. Ever since I was four years old, I knew those TV people didn't listen to what they say.

Anonymous said...

If you are going to snarl insults at readers who politely point out ambiguity in your word choices, how are you going to show that you can keep your cool when something more controversial requres clear thinking and articulate, nuanced expression?

Paul Brians makes the point,"In modern usage, “fulsome” has two inconsistent meanings. To some people it means “offensive, overdone,” so “fulsome praise” to them would be disgustingly exaggerated praise.

To other people it means “abundant,” and for them “fulsome praise” is glowingly warm praise.

The first group tends to look down on the second group, and the second group tends to be baffled by the first. Best to just avoid the word altogether."


Most of the other comments I'm seeing on the web regarding the usage of "fulsome," such as that by Eugene Volokh, also suggest the word is best avoided due to its ambiguity.


I prefer the Oxford English Dictionary, which cites far more negative connotations for the word than positive ones.

Have a nice day.

Ferry Fey (it was I you called "dipshit")

Anonymous said...

"It was me you called 'dipshit'."

Ooops. :)

AitchD said...

First of all, 'full' is very likely beyond anyone's competence, so it's pretty dippy to presume that Jen intended the meaning of 'full'. Second, the sentence's (text-book) balance and antithesis (as the rhetoricians say) make clear which meaning of 'fulsome' applies; and keep in mind that the most emphatic part of the sentence comes last (bad for ADD readers, good for juries). The usage accusation was unfounded, and apparently the accuser was oblivious of 'fulsome' in its renascent sense. Dredging up lame authorities ex post facto is kinda shitty, even to the authorities. But I also wonder about Jen's "poke" with "a bigger stick" imagery in the wake of premature ejaculation.