Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Oh, yeah, and—19%

Jen here...

In case you missed it, as of February 20, Bush's approval rating has sunk to a dismal 19%.  I meant to mention it sooner, but I hate wasting energy on anything directly related to him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If we actually had anything even remotely resembling a democracy in this country, Bush would have been removed from office long ago.

We basically live in a corporate plutocracy that maintains the illusion of being a democracy by constantly pumping a barrage of propaganda out of the Mighty Wurlitzer.

In a nutshell, we're fucked. They'll never let a reform candidate into office: they'll kill him/her first. Ask Paul Wellstone how well it works to be the reformer. Ask JKF, RFK, and MLK while you're at it.

The establishment is entreanched like a bloated tick, and it's well past time somebody held a hot match to its ass.

Jamie in Boston