Friday, February 29, 2008

Drudge: Proud to be "notorious"

So there was Prince Harry in Afghanistan, fighting the Taliban alongside other British troops, those few, those happy few. His military service was known to most British newspapers; they kept mum. Then Matt Drudge outed him, revealing both the big secret and his location.

Why did Drudge do this? Because Drudge is an asshole.

Today he proudly links to this story which discusses the shameful role he played in the affair, and which refers to the "notorious US news website the Drudge Report."

Shameless. Of course, he's a Republican.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, have to get rid of THAT-otherwise my head won't stop shaking ..
Do You really not see the plot ?
-> if You say NO, I'll come back and help You .

AitchD said...

I say, old chap, Uncle Sam's media didn't report the whereabouts of young George during his military service, either, so, bully!

Anonymous said...

Funny how ideology shapes behavior.

Where's the outrage? The same people who excoriated Geraldo for revealing troop position will defend the exact same behavior when Drudge does it (Drudge arguably did worse, revealing the location of a high-value target), just like they did when a CIA agent's cover was blown.

Wife has the TV on (constanly - ugh!), MSNBC is reporting on this story. I find it interesting that Drudge's name never seems to be mentioned in the MSM reports.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:17
-->"Der Spiegel" reports :,1518,druck-538510,00.html
that on 07.Jan.2008 the australian magazin "New Idea" published the original story- they were not informed about the secrecy agreement. (as they say..) Ever since publishing it, 'New Idea' have nothing heard from the british department of defence, they say.
Now, was that not a cool way to both make the prince a war-hero AND extract him from harms way ?
Blaming somebody else for it -
It looks, that sometimes You van have the egg AND the pancake !