Friday, February 08, 2008

Don't say they never did nothin' fer ya

Jen here...

It's been a bleak couple of weeks for those searching for good news, but here's something I dug out of the wreckage.

The indefatigable Patrick Leahy (D-VT) managed to get rid of a truly frightening law that basically allowed Bush to use the National Guard—or other parts of the military—domestically for any reason.

Leahy is one of the most productive and under-recognized members of the Party. For this and many other accomplishments, (including enduring the derisive sneers of Dick Cheney) I think he deserves a thank you.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with this post; if it makes you feel any better, I live in Vermont and regularly send him e-mails beginning something like "Once again, let me thank you for ....."

Anonymous said...

jen and karot, i am SO glad you both support leahy!

i've said it before and i'll say it again:
though there are several yella dawg dems we could well do without (vote 'em out, i say!!), for the most part, i canNOT imagine how hard this entire 110th has been for those dems who are truly trying to do as much the right..., er correct thing as possible. forget about how hard it must have been in the 107th, -8th and -9th!

what with W threatening to veto anything truly reasonable, and pushing through insanity at every turn, and the repug machinery being nothing more than bullies and thugs, on top of it the mouthpiece media, it's a wonder they've been able to function at all.

so yeah, give 'em some well-deserved credit! i can't say i'd have been able to do any better, or any of us, for that matter.