Friday, November 16, 2007

Lou Dobbs, what ARE you getting at?

I found this rant by Lou Dobbs disturbing...
More Americans than ever before are now identifying themselves as independents, and I hope millions of Americans in the day and weeks ahead will drop their party affiliation and become independents, refusing to be taken for granted by these two political parties and refusing to be taken for fools by the candidates they're putting forward.

I believe that independent Americans will demand a far better choice than any of the candidates now seeking their party's nomination. I believe next November's surprise will be the election of a man or woman of great character, vision and accomplishment, a candidate who has not yet entered the race.
Some take these paragraphs as the prelude to a Dobbs third party run. I suspect that he has inside info about Michael Bloomberg's intentions. (Would Dobbs describe himself as a man of "great character, vision and accomplishment"? I mean in public.)

Neither Dobbs nor Bloomberg can win. But they can spoil. Which party will they hurt more? The Democrats, methinks. The Republicans will maintain a lock on the Jesus voters and the rich.

Now factor in Cynthia McKinney, who will attract the DU/Think Progress crowd when, if, Hillary takes the nomination. About two-to-four percent of the left-leaning electorate thinks that Hillary is too much the Republican, and therefore it would be better to let the Republicans win.

Visualize it: One splitter candidate grabs working-class anti-immigration voters away from the Democratic Party -- and/or forces Hillary to make some vague anti-immigrant noises, which would infuriate the Latino voters. At the same time, an ultra-progressive candidate will cater to the 9/11 conspira-freaks and the progressive purists.

Under these circumstances, I don't see how Giuliani or Romney can lose.

Hope you don't have any family in the Navy, because when those Sunburn missiles start streaking across the Persian Gulf, Davy Jones' locker will have many new residents.


AitchD said...

John Fund in WSJ online wrote this yesterday:

"Friends of Mr. Dobbs say he is seriously contemplating a race for the first time, although it's still unlikely. They spin a scenario under which the acerbic commentator would parachute into the race if Michael Bloomberg, the New York billionaire and favorite of East Coast elites, enters the field as an independent. With Hillary Clinton continuing to score badly in polls in the categories of honesty and integrity, and with the public's many doubts about Rudy Giuliani and other GOP contenders, Mr. Bloomberg may well see an opportunity to roil the political waters by entering the race late. If so, Mr. Dobbs then sees a niche for a "fourth-party" candidate who could paint the three other contenders as completely out of touch."

I still want to hear Jeb Bush quote General William Tecumseh Sherman.

Anonymous said...

Lou Dobbs has a schtick It is his wet dream to be a spoiler. He was spoiling CNN ratings at 6pm;that's it.
Alert!! I direct your attention to the harbinger that is last weeks mayoral election defeat for a two term Democratic mayor in Indianapolis IN. He went down to a Repub with NO relevant resume'. Hizzoner didn't even carry his home precinct. Oh he screwed up some property tax issues and that's not all. But bottom line: Blacks did not vote! Can you hear me Dems?

Anonymous said...

joe, the wsj has an article out today on how the gop is hemorrhaging wealthy voters.

it points out that, not only are the wealthy repugs bolting the party, but the fundraising exposes a highly significant advantage for dems, around $247M to $167M (or thereabouts).

i know we should be extremely cautious and so on, but at least most of the details that would predict a serious dive for repugs are definitely in place.

the problem is, we can't predict what the dicks and bushes will do prior to the election to save their asses from prosecution if the dems win.

oh. and of course the power of the rightwing media agenda.

dems really need to be launching this entire campaign as a code red alert to save our democracy; the evidence is overwhelming and compelling, and they need to include impeachment hearings to drive all that home. and pull no punches. not sure why they're being so damn polite about all this, but there it is.

we do have to keep hammering them about all this, and insisting they do the right thing. but i'm with you on the whole business of pushing the extremely pure progressive agenda; that won't work, and it shouldn't work because that's NOT how a democracy works.

in fact, that's one way we got into this whole mess of losing our democracy in the first place:
an extreme faction that was strident and loud and insistent was kowtowed to and ended up hijacking the entire party, and thus the country.

despite the fact that i adhere in principle to many of the planks of the purist progressive platform, i do NOT want any minority faction to take over this government, no matter how closely it might reflect my personal desires.

a democracy is by nature and definition about the business of COMPROMISE and KEEPING TO THE MIDDLE. this is the best way for the most folks to be served and to get along; it ensures the least amount of folks are offended and alienated.

when those in the extremes are able to allow this, and utilize the elements of their position that are wise and fruitful to have a gradual and therefore lasting influence, then we might actually make some real, er, PROGRESS.

Anonymous said...

Joe i know you think I'm nuts, but i really think now more than ever America needs an uber Christian independent party. We need James Dobson, or Tony Perkins or shit, even Tim LaHay to decide to run. I mean come on, whether it's Nader or Dobbs its going to cost the left votes, it's time to get even. In my opinion very Dem supporter should go out and start donating money to some of these right wing wackos and pull a GOP move on them. Time to fight fire with fire (and brimstone)

Joseph Cannon said...

Nuts, lee? That suggestion makes a lot of sense to me. If only Pat would make another run!