Could the universe be any larger between what Feinstein's constituents want and what she is doing in the Senate? Here are the latest views of California voters of the President to whose agenda Feinstein is displaying such ferocious fidelity:Salon reader Ché Pasa:Do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as President?Among California Democrats, a grand total of 9% approve of Feinstein's beloved President; 90% disapprove.
Approve -- 28%
Disapprove -- 70%
Noted with interest that you present SurveyUSA's Bush approval ratings, which are in the toilet, but not Feinstein's -- which are still in the Stratosphere (she being California's Most Popular Democrat and all). To wit:My primary disagreement here is the use of the term "abrasive" to describe Boxer. First, she isn't. Second, the term implies that style, not stance, accounts for her relative lack of appeal. Boxer's margins of victory have always been much thinner than Feinstein's. If the Republicans had not run a succession of idiots against Boxer, she would not be in the Senate.
Do you approve or disapprove of the job Dianne Feinstein is doing as United States Senator?
Approve: 55%
Disapprove: 39%
Not sure: 6%
Among Dems:
Approve: 70%
Disapprove: 24%
Not sure: 5%
And the reasons for this massive approval of a Liebermanesque Bush Enabler when Bush is so wildly unpopular?
So far, at any rate, she has not been linked with Bush in the public mind in California (though she did tour the fire devastation with him recently.) Her actions to support and defend her Leader (Bush) in the Senate are not widely recognized yet. Her apparent corruption is not widely recognized yet. It's been reported, but it falls into the category of Pelosi's rich husband's winery in Napa. Getting on her case for something her husband is doing (or not doing as the case may be) is a purely political smear.
And among California pols (Dem and Republican) DiFi is very well liked. Whereas the Abrasive Barbara Boxer isn't so much.
Oh. And of course DiFi was re-elected last year (overwhelmingly) and has apparently indicated this will be her last term. There is nothing anyone can do to her now. She can do whatever she wants, and no, she doesn't have to listen to her constituents. Not that she ever has.
DiFi's actions in the Senate are revolting, and they need to be hammered hard, but ultimately, like so many other things, it's too late to do anything about it.
I guess the Good News is that Schwarzenegger allowed as how he wasn't going to run against Boxer in 2010; whew.
I don't completely understand Feinstein's popularity, except to say that much of California is redder than the rest of the country seems to think. Orange County, San Diego, the deserts, the agricultural middle, the conifer-covered north: All conservative, and that's a lot of territory.
That said, conventional analysis of her bill co-sponsorship history shows that she isn't a right-winger. In fact, this chart places her to the left of Webb, Obama and Byrd, and roughly equivalent to Feingold. (Read the "deeper meaning" notes to understand how these rankings were attained.) Of course, that record will mean little to the people for whom war and impeachment are the only issues.
The current hate-the-Dems mood cannot touch Feinstein, but it can hurt Boxer, the courageous senator who challenged the legitimacy of Bush's 2004 election. In a poll matching her against Schwarzenegger, Ah-nold would have won -- by a tiny amount, admittedly, but a win is a win.
(To read the rest -- and I won't print your comment unless you've at least skimmed the rest -- click "Permalink" below)
Fools like Greenwald are so mired in the Progressive ghetto that they have no idea what California -- or the rest of the country -- is really like. Yes, most of the electorate has turned against Bush. But the voters are still more conservative than progressives think.
They still think lower taxes equal greater government revenues, they still think the military is under-funded, they still don't like gay marriage, they still like guns, they still read Left Behind novels, they still watch Fox, they still listen to Rush, they still go to mega-churches, they still think Reagan was a great president, and they are still suckers for any con-artist peddling a wedge issue or a fake statistic.
I wish the situation were otherwise, but one must face reality.
The problem is that progressives socialize only with other progressives and read only progressive blogs. They genuinely believe that Dennis Kucinich is the only permissible candidate, even though he would not carry a single state. The genuinely believe that Hillary Clinton is a conservative who would continue the war. They genuinely believed, back in 2000, that Al Gore was politically indistinguishable from George Bush.
They genuinely believe that the current unpopularity of Congress stems entirely from the Democratic leadership's alleged refusal to end the Iraq war. (Actually, Bush vetoed a Democratic plan that would have begun the pull-out on October 1. Progressives have not only forgotten all about that, they will tell you "You're wrong" if you remind them!)
Here are some numbers from last May:
A close look at polls on Iraq show that, while public opposition to the war remains consistent, there are some signs that Democrats may be overreaching in their attempts to cut off funding for the war. When asked who is more responsible for the troops not having funding, 44 percent blamed congressional Democrats, while 34 percent blamed President Bush. [CNN/Opinion Research Poll, May 4-6, 2007]. Importantly, while a majority of the public (57 percent) believes that the president strongly supports the troops, less than a third (31 percent) of the public believes that Democrats in Congress strongly support our troops.The same poll found that a majority of 60 percent opposed cutting off funds to end Iraq war.
I can't find more recent data addressing these specific questions. (If you can, please pass along a link.) This Zogby poll from August is disturbing:
Just 18% said cutting all funding for the war in Iraq to bring troops home would be the best showing of Congressional support.Count me in the 18%. That doesn't mean I'm going to hallucinate that mine is the majority opinion.
Attitudes will not change much: Democrats in Congress remain very vulnerable to the "You don't support our troops" charge.
Thus, any Congressional strategy for defunding the Iraq war must first de-fang the argument that Democrats are anti-military. Which is why the Mukasey deal cut by Harry Reid was as smart as it was distasteful.

Every other post on Democratic Underground and Think Progressive Purist delivers the same message.
Progressive Dem-hate inevitably translates into Republican election victories. The historical record is clear and inarguable on that point.
I recall the Anderson movement in 1980. All good progressives back then considered Carter a Republican clone. Happy with the results, lefties?
I recall the Nader movement in 2000. All good progressives then considered Gore a Republican clone. Happy with the results, lefties?
It's happening again. I've seen it before, and I know how these things start.
Adios, Barbara Boxer. Hello, President Rudy. Goodbye, Tehran.
My US Senators are Republicans Elizabeth Dole and Richard Burr. Before, my US Senators were Republicans Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum. Everyone (outside of DC) has two US Senators, so everyone is entitled to some pity and understanding. Things are tough all over, pal.
Since you remember John Anderson's disruptiveness, you probably also remember that Ted Kennedy challenged President Carter and ran against him in the 1980 campaign. Who did you support, Carter or Kennedy? Have you forgiven Kennedy yet?
Do you watch those focus group Q&A sessions that C-SPAN shows? The last one I watched focussed on DC suburban Republicans. To a person they all repeated, i.e, parroted, what they gleaned from TV, and I'm certain they believe they're informed. Fuck, they are informed! But what do they know?
Do you think next year's 'flag-burning'/'gay marriage'/'evolution-is-just-a-theory'/'partial-birth abortion' issue de jour to bring-out-the-brain-damaged- base will be Women-should-be-allowed-to-join-Augusta-National-Golf-Club (a redux from 2002)?
It would be useful if every survey/poll about political/economic/social issues included these two questions, in this sequence: Do you consider yourself a conformist or a non-conformist? Do you think all surveys like this should ask the respondents if they consider themselves conformist or non-conformist? Well, a third question: Have you ever seen a UFO?
Check out our trailer on Gay Marriage Produced to educate & defuse the controversy it has a way of opening closed minds & creates an interesting spin on the situation:
as Atchd said a few days ago..time for a group hug.
Why Left and Right Must Unite Print E-mail
By Patrick Wood, Editor
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, who cared about political party affiliation? Men (and women) dropped everything to defeat the common enemy. Why? Because survival of their country was as risk!
We face just such a time as that.
We are being plundered by free trade, private-public-partnerships and international banks. Our food and product safety mechanisms have been systematically dismantled and are headed toward all-time lows. Our farms are being destroyed to extent that we are now net importers of food (and lousy food, at that). Our manufacturing base is almost completely gone as companies are bought and sent to cheaper labor markets.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Can you hear the crunching, tearing sound of our midsection being ripped open?
If either Republicans or Democrats could have fixed America, they would have done it long before now.
The more you look, the more you see that both major U.S. political parties are dominated by the same group of global elitists. The same super-rich foundations. The same NGO's. The same global bankers. The same lobbyists. The same global corporations.
Furthermore, the globalizers know that in order to keep our eyes off of them, they need to keep us fighting among ourselves over issues more petty than merely saving our nation from total extinction.
The fact is, if Americans would stop fighting long enough to see these hijackers for who they really are and for what they have done to us, they would puke them out of the U.S. in less than a country minute.
My message to liberals and conservatives of all flavors is this: "If you don't stop bickering and get down to business of protecting our Sovereignty, we aren't going to have a country left to bicker in!"
In other words, stop falling for cheap tricks that point you down infinitely contentious trails leading to nowhere. This only buys the enemy more time to make another thousand cuts on what's left of our already wounded carcass.
I have heard for years from both conservatives and liberals that we need to join forces to save America. But, the bickering just gets louder.
Enough, already!
My contribution to this mess is to offer a new social networking web site, LeftRightUnite!, where all sides can get together in a constructive way, for a specific purpose -- to save the ship-of-state for another day.
If you don't know what a social network is, think or If you still don't know, you will just have to go there and grab a membership to find out. Either way, it won't cost you a dime.
With LeftRightUnite!, you can blog, make friends, join action groups, locate people around you, organize protests, visits to your legislators, whatever.
Just don't sit still!
What you said about "progressives only talking to progressives" is an important point...and unfortunately, it's true.
Very little effort is made to expand the conversation to the masses--you know, the 50% of Americans who represent the "center". Granted, Air America is one way, as is COUNTDOWN, but the simple truth is that progressives only converse with each other. They do not look beyond the ghetto.
Aitchd, I believe what Joseph was talking about was the fact that Anderson represented the third party "spoiler" factor. And I have to agree that it did play a role in the 2000 imbroglio. You have heard that Nader is threatening to run in '08, right? Well...guess why. No, it's not because of the horrid Republican candidates. He will run if Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic Party nominee.
Now, how is anyone with a working brain supposed to see that?
You pointed out that the people in that C-SPAN Q&A session repeated what they gleaned from TV and talk radio. Well, surprise, surprise. The simple fact is that there is no true media apparatus on the Liberal/Progressive side of the fence that can counter the Right-wing media machine. Granted, AA and Current TV and Go Left TV are starts, but there is still a long way to go.
I have stopped going to several progressive sites because they no longer target Bush or the Republicans. They have chosen to open fire on Democrats, and in doing so, they have forgotten who the real foe is.
Glenn Greenwald is far from any kind of fool, IMO.
"Last May" is no indicator of how the electorate thinks now. 6 months ago might as well years.
The 'GOP brand' is in the toilet, with the Democrats maintaining about their previous half, but those admitting a GOP party affiliation down into the 25% range, iirc.
If the semi-record or actual record low Congressional approval ratings are NOT for their lack of definitive action to bring about the beginning of the end of the war in Iraq, pray tell, what are they for? It seems clear that rather than it being no factor, or not the principle factor, it is in fact THE factor that has Congress held in such low esteem.
You conflate 'the electorate' with core GOP positions. Over and over again, the support for tax HIKES over cutting various desired programs shows up as a 2-1 winner in polling. It isn't true that the current GOP catechism, that tax cutting leads to revenue increases and thus should be done at every and any turn of events, is held by 'the electorate.' Not with a 65% to 70% advantage held for the no further tax cuts if it means cutting programs (as it would). Not to mention, the erstwhile (and false) rationale for cutting taxes is 'starving the beast' (government), to cause it to shrink because tax cuts make its current level unaffordable.
Carter, as a very conservative Democrat economically, was about a Republican on those measures. That is no exaggeration, and in fact, his primary sponsor into national office was David Rockefeller, who put him into the presidency nearly single-handedly, as I see it.) However, he wasn't beaten by the Anderson campaign so much as by the American insistence that he bomb somebody or something because of the hostage situation. Had he bombed Tehran, even resulting in the slaughter of the hostages, he would have won re-election. Sadly, Americans want blood over results, as President Ford's futile efforts in the Mayaguez incident vs. N. Korea made clear.
Why Left and Right Must Unite Print
By Patrick Wood, Editor
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, who cared about political party affiliation? Men (and women) dropped everything to defeat the common enemy. Why? Because survival of their country was as risk!
We face just such a time as that.
We are being plundered by free trade, private-public-partnerships and international banks. Our food and product safety mechanisms have been systematically dismantled and are headed toward all-time lows. Our farms are being destroyed to extent that we are now net importers of food (and lousy food, at that). Our manufacturing base is almost completely gone as companies are bought and sent to cheaper labor markets.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Can you hear the crunching, tearing sound of our midsection being ripped open?
If either Republicans or Democrats could have fixed America, they would have done it long before now.
The more you look, the more you see that both major U.S. political parties are dominated by the same group of global elitists. The same super-rich foundations. The same NGO's. The same global bankers. The same lobbyists. The same global corporations.
Furthermore, the globalizers know that in order to keep our eyes off of them, they need to keep us fighting among ourselves over issues more petty than merely saving our nation from total extinction.
The fact is, if Americans would stop fighting long enough to see these hijackers for who they really are and for what they have done to us, they would puke them out of the U.S. in less than a country minute.
My message to liberals and conservatives of all flavors is this: "If you don't stop bickering and get down to business of protecting our Sovereignty, we aren't going to have a country left to bicker in!"
In other words, stop falling for cheap tricks that point you down infinitely contentious trails leading to nowhere. This only buys the enemy more time to make another thousand cuts on what's left of our already wounded carcass.
I have heard for years from both conservatives and liberals that we need to join forces to save America. But, the bickering just gets louder.
Enough, already!
My contribution to this mess is to offer a new social networking web site, LeftRightUnite!, where all sides can get together in a constructive way, for a specific purpose -- to save the ship-of-state for another day.
If you don't know what a social network is, think or If you still don't know, you will just have to go there and grab a membership to find out. Either way, it won't cost you a dime.
With LeftRightUnite!, you can blog, make friends, join action groups, locate people around you, organize protests, visits to your legislators, whatever.
Just don't sit still!
Marc, if Nader runs, then it means Hillary will be the Democratic candidate, and I love her! But maybe he won't run if she chooses him for her running mate, and then Joseph will vote either for the Republican or for Ronald Ernest Paul. Scenarios like that make me wish I was a praying person. I've been a progressive since 1967. I don't "socialize only with other progressives and read only progressive blogs" -- most of the genuine progressives I used to know either died young or moved to Bellingham or to Alaska. Alienation isn't a temporary condition, by the way. Maybe it's hard for you and people like you and Joseph to understand, but the Internet is one of the few places where alienated people, who are also progressive in their thinking, can savor the illusion of participation. Also at the food co-op.
From what I gather here about "progressive blogs", I'm glad I don't read any of them. I scan HuffPost every day and sometimes clink to something, but that's only because I don't watch any TV except for BookTV sometimes, or other stuff on C-SPAN so Joseph can't rightly accuse me of being wholly ignorant. Plus, like Marilyn Monroe, I sleep with nothing on except the radio.
Everyone should read Garrison Keillor's "Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America", or listen to him reading it -- again, and at least once a year. And also read "Hooking Up" (or anything) by that other nonpareil purist, Tom Wolfe.
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