Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The candidates on Iran

Man, I just may have to start supporting Biden. This is the section of the debate in which Dodd, Biden, Obama and Edwards slap Hillary on her iran bill vote . They all slap well, but when Biden slaps her, she stays slapped. The other candidates do a good job of preaching to the converted, but Biden's the only guy here whose argument might turn folks around.

That said, Edwards and Dodd also do well. This was not a great night for Obama. Gotta admit: Hillary seems to have a preternatural ability to take a punch well.


AitchD said...

Did you mean "slap" the way a parent slaps a toddler or in da hood parlance? Or what?

Biden didn't turn enough voting folks around in the Senate, though, did he?

What was that Dirty Harry nonsense Biden shot off about closing down all the Chinese imports with the stroke of his Magnum Pen? How can you praise that moron when he puts himself above the law? You know, in golf they say Once a cheat, always a cheat. In politics, Once a panderer always a panderer.

About the New York driver's license proposal, Obama joked (and dissembled) that Hillary never answered the question of whether or not she supports the governor's bill; so when he was asked the same question, he wouldn't say yay or nay -- he had that look on his face like he knew he took a cheap shot and he can't find the door -- so he repeated her sensible pragmatism, the same kind of yay that she explained in her righteous 'stop playing gotcha with me' response.

Edwards seems to want to do everything 'for the kids', which is excellent, but he should keep it out of the discourse because it has that last-refuge ring of patriotic scoundrelism. And he has that lean and hungry look; he thinks too much. Dennis is leaner, but that's because he eats better. Only Hillary is smarter than Dennis, but she's older, Yaler, and lawyer. I love Dennis, he's a man of my heart and mind, and he's very witty while the others (like Maher) are merely facetious. Plus, Dennis wouldn't toss Shirley MacLaine to the wolves over her UFO memoir about him, a character trait that makes him unelectable in our country. I love Hillary too. I can't wait until her DOJ or SCOTUS nominee Anita Hill gets to sit for Joe Biden's judgment again.

I love Elizabeth Edwards, but I only like her olman. I can't stand Biden. I'd vote for you over him.

priscianus jr said...

I don't LIKE Biden -- but he DID bitch slap her good on tht one. And so did Dodd and Edwards.