Monday, July 02, 2007

For once, we agree

Actual quote from Ann Coulter:

"I'm more of a man than any liberal."

(Grammatically, that phrase should read: "...than any liberal is." How'd she get through school?)


Phil said...

Unless I happened to run into it in a mens restroom, I'd just as soon not know.
What a waste of skin.

Perry Logan said...

I totally agree with Ann Coulter: THE LEFT AND RIGHT ARE GOING TO FIGHT.

Anonymous said...

I think the suppression of a particular part of speech required for pure parallelism is a commonplace style, and not incorrect, particularly in spoken language.

However, I may not be as versed in the topic as you [are].

To my ear or eye, that sentence above sounds/reads good/well with or without the (otherwise understood) 'are.' Have I been wrong all this time?

In any case, let's see her heroic military service record to compare to genuine heroes (and liberals) like George McGovern or John Kerry, or many, many others.

Or maybe she means 'manly' actions like spitting, farting and scratching her Balzac? Probably correct, if she meant those notions of 'manliness.'


gary said...

My eyes! Personally, I have a firm policy of no Ann Coulter photos on my blog. I ran a photo of her action figure once.

Anonymous said...

Which school is that?
Bob Jones or "School of the Americas"?
How generous are you with the "trannie" label?
It's okay to break grammatical rules but, in "Cooter"'s case, you must understand the English language, first. E.E. Cummings good. "Monster Hog" aficionados bad.

I heard them dinosaurs was evil.

Anonymous said...

"I'm more of a man than any liberal."

(Grammatically, that phrase should read: "...than any liberal is." How'd she get through school?)

That's one interpretation. But maybe she meant, "I'm more of a man than I am any liberal." Which would probably still be true even if she adopted Noam Chomsky's politics.

Joseph Cannon said...

Such was my point, anon. In truth, I'm not such a stickler for grammar, except where Ann is concerned, because she is such a wiener.

Anonymous said...

how did she get through school?

she cheated like all republicans do.

Anonymous said...

actually, it should be "than is any liberal". You don't want to end on a preposition! How did YOU get through school!

Joseph Cannon said...

Anon, "is" is a verb, not a preposition.
