Monday, May 07, 2007

An Inconvenient Troop

If you want to see chickenhawk right-wing bloggers out themselves, check out this exchange on
I sat here thinking about unusual ways in which we could contribute to the war, and it occurred to me something that might seem far-fetched or unusual, but I think enlisting would be a good idea, at a time where our army needs more troops in order to have available units to fight not only in Iraq but against any eventual threat elsewhere.
You're right, but it's incredibly inconvenient.

It's been on my mind since high school; I've just never acted on it.
I think there's more work to be done on the home front than on the battlefield, even though our military is stretched thin. Indeed, that's one of the policies we need to change - increasing our military - and it won't be changed by joining up. It can only be changed by developing more public support for the idea and persuading our representatives to pass the right measures.
So hit those keyboards, fellow Dubya fans! As Tom Hanks says at the start of Saving Private Ryan: "See you on the beach!" And don't forget to bring a laptop along with the suntan lotion...


New American Patriot said...

I say we provide a little encouragement for 'em....

A little cognitive dissonance oughtta shake 'em up. Either they're with the troops (in the desert sands) or they're cowards.

Either way, it's win-win for us - they go overseas, it's one less asshole helping tear apart democracy; they stay, they start thinking about why they don't REALLY support this war....

New American Patriot said...

Hee hee. Check out the comments by "redbloodedpatriot".

Joy Tomme said...

You know the Bulwer awards...the contest for the best and most creative ways the terminally ignorant find for killing themselves and thereby removing themselves from the gene pool?

I say the more freepers who enlist, the better it is for them, for us, for the planet. And they'll get a Bulwer Award.

Go Freepers! Enlist your ass off!


Anonymous said...

The Bulwer competition is for exquisitely bad opening lines for fiction in various genres.

You're thinking of the Darwin Awards, for those removing themselves from the gene pool in a spectacularly stupid way.

Anonymous said...

Since we're on the subject, the 2006 results for the Samuel Bulwer-Lytton competition are hysterical.