Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blame Clinton

On the David Letterman show, Rudy Giuliani blamed the entire Iraq war on Bill Clinton. Not Bush. Clinton.

But that's not all. You know how in every Spider-Man movie there's a bit that leaves you wondering why everyone in the world doesn't know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man? In the first one, for example, he signs his name before entering the wrestling ring. In the third one, he reveals his identity to the Sandman who, it has been established, will do anything to raise money for his daughter. So why doesn't Sandman sell the info to Jameson? And let's not talk about that big fight at the end. It involves Peter's girlfriend, his best friend, and the guy Peter aced out of a job. For chrissakes, why doesn't someone put two and two together?

I blame all of those plot holes on Bill Clinton.

I haven't seen the third X-Men film but I am told that it was Clinton's most diabolical maneuver yet.


Perry Logan said...

After six years, the insanity of Republicans is clear for all to see.

Anonymous said...

Dude you are really funny sometimes. I didn't even think about those spiderman plot holes.
Damn Clinton.

Anonymous said...

re: third X-Men movie.

Not even Bill Clinton is that diabolical.

It could only have been George Soros.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I broke a nail. ALL CLINTON'S FAULT. Oh, and then someone cut me off while I was going through an intersection. BILL CLINTON ALWAYS SUPPORTED BAD DRIVERS. Plus, one of my new kittens died. CLINTON EVADED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT, TOO. Bastard.