Thursday, April 12, 2007

GovTech, GWB43 and the White House

I have a juicy new piece on another site about GovTech and the White House email controversy.

I've been hesitant to focus too heavily on GovTech, run by Bush family friend Mike Connell, whose IT enterprises straddle the "firewall" separating private from public. Although ePluribus Media has placed a great deal of emphasis on Connell and his enterprises (see here and here), I have yet to see hard evidence linking any of his firms with SmarTech. We know that SmarTech can be traced to the domain.


The GovTech story has just become very, very interesting. In this story, I note that a NewMedia web page lists GovTech as a "partner" business. (NewMedia is Connell's "other" business.) There is a link to GovTech and a brief description of what they do.

That description reveals that GovTech has set up "complex internet communications" for the White House.


So far, no other published account has mentioned any work done by GovTech for the White House. In fact, the White House is never mentioned on the company's site! (At least, I could find no such reference.) Congress, yes; the Department of Energy, yes; various state governments, yes. But not the White House.

Looks to me like GovTech may have scrubbed all reference to the White House from its site. If so, they forgot to rewrite the NewMedia site.

I theorize that the rewrite occurred when Patrick Fitzgerald tried to acquire emails relevant to the Plame inquiry in 2004-2006.

CREW has just revealed that no less than FIVE MILLION emails may have been scrubbed. (See the full CREW report here.) What does Mike Connell, Bush loyalist, know about this?


dqueue said...

Where are the damn email headers? It's depressing these have not yet leaked.

If they issued RNC laptops, did they pipe an underhanded wireless link into the WH to circumvent firewalls? Or did the email traverse the WH network to make its way to

Great eyes for this story.

Anonymous said...

GovTech probably never did anything for Whitehouse. But they did place David Almacy there. Go google his job title :-O

Anonymous said...


nice catch on the communications issue, extremely important aspect of the Connell story. You've got it! He is not only an alchemist of pretty websites.

We actually point one White House site as which, last I checked, redirects to It's something of an extension they did in the form of the Bush-Cheney transition site where applicants for appointment could get the early hookup. was their articulation of policy and appointement announcements.

We'll soon be reporting a brief review of some key sites, will let you know when that's ready.

Keep up the excellent work and thanks so much for helping get the word out!

notjonathon said...

You know, it seems likely to me that Rove, ever conscious of his own role in history (or for aid in writing his memoirs), made clandestine copies of all his deleted correspondence before scrubbing the emails from his computer and the server. An ego as massive as his will want someone to be able to judge the briliance of his polical abilities.

Just how deep in some mountain storage chamber these data may be buried is another question, but enough diligence and patience on the part of able investigators might be able to ferret them out.

Anonymous said...

Here is the Wayback archive of this*/

Can't find any refernces to thr white house here. There's one reference to bush/cheney though, early 2002.

ViViDVeW said...

Well Joe, if your looking for a connection between SMARTech and GovTech, here it is.

Guess who's owns the IP that GovTech's web site is on. YUP. SMARTtech. It's in the same network block as all the servers that run gwb43, and for all the same reasons looks like its run from servers in the same datacenter in Chattanooga