Friday, February 02, 2007

That's SENATOR Franken to you

I've always liked Al Franken. I liked him back when he worked with Tom Davis. I still think (on rare occasions) of the 1980s as the Al Franken Decade. I thought that Stuart Saves His Family was the best film ever to arise from a Saturday Night Live routine. (No, really. And please do not mention The Blues Brothers.) He has done great work on Air America.

I wish that I lived in Minnesota so I could vote for him.

(I also wish I lived in Minnesota because there's a company in St. Paul that I ought to sue, but the contract states that I have to do so in a court there.)

Most political comics would probably make disastrous politicians. Bill Maher is hilarious, but even he wouldn't vote for Bill Maher.

Franken, though, would make a great public servant.

It was once said that the late comic genius Lord Buckley (I hope a few of you smile at the mention of his name) operated out of love, unlike most other comedians, who operate out of hatred. Hatred can be a great asset to the political satirist; Maher, for example, is one of the most superbly gifted haters in the history of entertainment. I mean that as praise.

But Franken is not a hater. Events can make him angry, and sometimes even bitter -- yet he is not a hater. He may not believe, as Buckley believed, in a reified, all-encompassing, Capital-L Love -- but I have always received the strong impression that this man loves his country.

Beyond that, he's not just smart -- he's wise.

And beyond that, he was a wrestler in high school. Minnesotans like wrestlers, don'tcha know.


Anonymous said...

I have always liked Al Franken too. I remember during the unpleasantness in Vietnam the right wing hacks were always dismissing commentary by anyone who was known as an artist or actor by asking what can they know? They're just celebrities. Of course businessmen were totally qualified to comment and make policy on ANYTHING. Because, well, um, they're ah, business men. They have a lot of money, so they must be right about everything.

Al Franken is bright and he would be good at debating because he can cut to the absurdity of an argument and make a rebuttal that is sound and funny in the bargain.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of Franken being known as a political satirist and humorist, he is much more than just another funny guy from the SNL cast.

He has written some extremely well researched and gutsy books such as "Lies and the Lying Liars that tell them" and has taken on some folks like Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

I think he's got a good shot, better than most, at getting elected and he can do it.

He would be a breathe a fresh air.
He's smart, well learned, he's got friends in the military and even those rightwingers who pay him to make them laugh.

Franken can do it!

Go Franken!

(OK so I'm biased--anon from SF)

Anonymous said...

You are spot-on about Franken. I sincerely hope he can shake loose some cash contributions to mount a good campaign there. Ever notice how much he and Coleman look alike? And the mere mention of Lord Buckley brings both a smile and a tear to my face. 'The Nazz' comes to mind regarding love and people. His Hipness died way too soon. This type of post urges me to ask for you to reconsider your decision to quit the blog.