Monday, February 12, 2007


I'll vote for the guy, but I'm not happy with him and I don't think he could win in the general if he is at the top of the ticket. His history of drug usage will trouble many. At least he (unlike Georgie) has been rather honest about his past. Too honest, perhaps, for the red staters, but not honest enough to please unpleasable bastards like me: When asked by 60 Minutes as to why he did it, he muttered vague words about not knowing who he was. Is that the real reason? I think he took drugs to get high.

To my ears, frankly, this guy sounds just as scripted as Hillary. Granted, I like his script better than hers.

On the other hand, I can't pretend that race plays no role. Neither major political party has ever nominated a black person for either President or Vice President -- a shameful record. I want the Democratic Party to be the first party to correct that record.

My pick, right now, subject to change: Clark for President, Obama for Veep. For a man without a long record of accomplishments, the Vice Presidency is hardly anything to disdain.


gary said...

Gore in 2008!

Anonymous said...

sofla said...

With the degraded state of the hysterical media, any candidate who wishes to compete must be scripted and maintain message control.

Especially if one is not the Establishment or media favorite. (The gentle press handling of W in 2000 is unlikely to be repeated, except for McCain, perhaps).

To fail to be scripted subjects one to the risk of frequent media-driven frenzies of supposed 'controversies,' and even accusations of madness (see Howard Dean).

It may not be anybody's preference that the candidates must be this way, but really, they must.

Obama ought to start as the vp, and I agree with Joe that he would likely lose if he headed up the ticket. (And maybe he's doing that, since nobody announces a run at the vp-ship).

Anonymous said...

CLARK?? when was the last time you even mentioned clark? a lot to admire, but not enough, IMHO.

i'm with gary: GORE IN 08! in fact, RE-ELECT GORE!!

obama would be a great vp, though i prefer edwards on that one, again.

Joseph Cannon said...

Gore's not running. Edwards isn't a bad man, but I've had it up to friggin' HERE with the sons of Dixie.

Joseph Cannon said...

PS: Yes, I know Clark spent most of youth in Little Rock. I would LIKE to think of him as a guy from Chicago, okay?