Sunday, February 25, 2007

Gosh. You think Matt Drudge actually LIES?

According to Matt Drudge, this is the reception Dick Cheney encountered when he visited Australia:

According to Australian investigative journalist "Nick Possum", the actual reception was a little more like this:

Yeah. The "left-wing American media" strikes again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

while I do not doubt the first top sign, the bottom pictures represent what the Australian news service was reporting. Massive protests, gridlock in the capital, etc. There are some wierd rumors about Cheney's visit down under too..... about how he left the country under USA cover only at a closed airport...... and how a ramp was rolled back to airforce 2, then waved off. Something happened in Australia but we won't find out what, because we now live in America!!!!