Sunday, February 25, 2007

Gored (updates 1 and 2 and 3)

That was easily THE biggest laugh I've ever received from an Oscar show.

UPDATE: I'm glad Inconvenient Truth won, and I'm sorry Big Al did not say what we were hoping he would say. And I'm very pleased about the tribute to Ennio Morricone -- a great composer.

UPDATE 2: Chris Rouse -- a really nice guy I went to school with -- was nominated for editing United 93. Alas, he didn't get a statue to match his Dad's. Next year, Chris!

UPDATE 3: America's best director finally won. Scorcese, Coppola, Spielberg and Lucas all in one shot -- now that was a sight.

And Helen Mirren was pure class. Ever hear John Boorman's commentary track for Excalibur? He spends a lot of time mooning over her like a lovesick 13 year old...


sunny said...

So am I! Go Gore!

And is there a more beautiful movie score, ever, than Once Upon a Time in America?

Joseph Cannon said...

Maybe "The Mission." Or "Days of Heaven." And if ever there's a live performance of "Duck, You Sucker," I can do the belching part.

Anonymous said...

What I hear is that Gore threw in a teaser and he is going to wait till next November after all the others have smeared each other all the way.
The main reason most candidates are starting so early is that they need to raise a lot of money.
Gore could jump in in November and still be able to raise more money than all others which solves the problem of jumping in now.
Seems to me like a plan!
And Gore would beat any Democrat or Republican by next year.
Next year more Americans are going to be more discussted than they are today (judging from Bush's plan unfolding on the domestic and foreign fronts).
I could be very wrong (miracles do happen sometimes, Bush could get a clue between now and then) but I am a realist which makes me more right than wrong.