Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Brits in Monkeyland

I know I've been sharing a lot of videos lately, but this is pretty damned funny. Also pretty damned scary. Proof, as if more proof were needed, that southerners are lower life forms.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting this. I never had any interest in visiting any part of the deep South and this short film clip is further proof why I wouldn't visit Bush land.

I have to say this is one of the funniest short clips I have seen--it is so refreshing to see educated, cultivated visitors experience firsthand the "joys" and terrors of visiting Jesusland.

they have no tolerance for anyone outside of god, bush and countrywestern music (and nascar racing).

At least they completed their travel through Alabama without any serious injuries.

Anonymous said...

"southerners are lower life forms" ???

Jeebus Christ how this site has bitten the shark's ass.

Heck let's just get it all over and start calling southerners trannies now and ban them too.

Anonymous said...

"southerners are lower life forms."
I have to agree with anon @ 3:21. Completely unecessary, Joseph - and obviously quite untrue.

Kim in PA

Joseph Cannon said...

If it weren't for the American south, there would be no Bush to bring about mass death in the Middle East. As a result of their Jesusmaniacal madness, nukes will fly in Iran and the entire world will come to despise our nation. We will all be judged by our rednecks.

I have never hidden my preference for a new civil war to get RID of the southern leeches, who (due to the institutions of the Senate and the electoral college) have a disproportionate amount of power in this country. They deserve far worse than mere name-calling.

As for my site -- well, it's like a marriage in which both parties have decided to divorce. No need NOW to temper ones language. Might as well speak honestly for once.

Anonymous said...

omigod! can't stop laughing!!

folks, i do hate to tell ya, but i lived for many years in alabama and tennessee, and the sad and sorry truth of the matter is, well, this IS the truth of the matter!

it's not so much that these folks are lower life forms, but it is the case that they have not even come close to recognizing that they are NOT lower life forms.

walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....

there are exceptions, but... they are exceptions. that's what makes it so damn hard, and why i'll NEVER consider living in the south again.

i'm with the late great molly (god rest her soul) on this one: the rest of the country has been getting texasified over the past couple of decades. a clear indication that the confederacy has got its revenge, losing the war but winning the 'peace'.

and please, do bear in mind, i wish like hell none of this were true. but all this clip proves is that their little auto-decoration made the same statement as long hair once did for easy riders.

i suppose it can be counted as progress that we can now make it funny and laugh about it. when i took my prissy prof to see the film almost forty years ago, he broke the stunned silence in the car heading home by begging to see mary poppins next time. it was once deadly serious in the south no matter how you sliced it. now it's possible to do a hit & run mock-film and live to tell about it.

even if we've progressed, it's still clear the south remains the slowest gear in the tranny. oops; can't use that term so loosely 'round these parts, now can i?

(prejudices lurk in the weirdest of places, eh?)

Joseph Cannon said...

You know what gets to me about that video? The rednecks didn't seem to know what was going on, although they had all the evidence necessary. I mean, people who don't like Nascar simply ignore it; they don't paint the words "NASCAR SUCKS" on their cars.

The stone-throwers saw the camera crew. They heard the British accents.

Anyone with even two or three brain cells should have picked up on these clues and concluded that the whole thing was a made-for-TV gag. Yet the Alabamans did not possess even that many brain cells. They made themselves look monstrous and doltish in the eyes of millions of people.

Anonymous said...

UTube has pulled the video.
Wonder why?

Anonymous said...


i was going to send this link around as one of the all time funniest short film clips about redneck America.

As this was withdrawn by YouTube due to a copyright issue with BBC, would you happen to know what this clip was taken from? some program for the BBC?

I would still like to show it around and it is terrible I can't find it posted anywhere.


Anonymous said...

Southerners as lower life forms? Untrue? No, spot on. The white south was perfectly captured. Of course there are exceptions, but they weren't on camera or on the interstate that day, were they?

I checked BBC America and Top Gear isn't listed and alas, Top Gear doesn't broadcast episodes from their website.

Thank you, Joseph. You made my week! WenG