Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Obama apologizes for telling the truth

Barack Obama said, quite correctly, that "We now have spent $400 billion and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted." Then he offered an apology for using the word "wasted."

Well, that was, in fact, the correct term. Any soldier -- in any country, in any era -- who has ever died in a war that should never have been fought has been forced to waste his life. Obama's apology will only piss off progressives without placating the rednecks.

I'm just not sold on Obama -- yet I refuse to support anyone from Jesusland. So what are our choices? Gore (should he jump in): Southerner. Edwards: Southerner. Clark: Born in Illinois, raised in the south. Hillary: Born in Illinois, came to prominence in the south.

Bill Richardson. Hmmm. I like the land of the stuffed sopapilla...


Anonymous said...

sofla said...

Hillary is not from the south. She's from Illinois, and probably the northern part of Illinois at that. And even a wild-eyed METHODIST is not much of a Bible-thumper, still less Hillary one of those.

Joseph Cannon said...

Absolutely right, sofla. I've corrected.