Saturday, January 06, 2007

San Francisco values

Many are proud of Nancy Pelosi because she's a Democrat; others are proud because a woman finally got the job of Speaker of the House. As she was sworn in, my heart swelled when I heard the words "the representative from California," since so many people outside this state cling to their poisonous, envy-driven misconceptions of what Californians are like.

And then we see (via Brad Friedman) an image like this:
Here's a message to my red state friends: One word describes San Francisco -- prosperous. That town achieves prosperity without pork. San Franciscans pour tons of money into the national treasury which the pork-addicted red-staters filch. This burglary of California, New York and Illinois happens year after year, because the Constitution gives southern states too much power in the Senate and the Electoral College. If you motherfucking, Bush-loving, Jesus-addled red-state hillbilly leeches are going to pick the pockets of those who live and work in California's blue counties, then how dare you insult your benefactors?


Anonymous said...

that being said, there was a individual who made the decision to insert that phrase.
What was his/her thinking? He/She needs to explain that to all Americans, why he would shame himself and castigate fellow Americans? What does Rupert Murdoch think about this?

shawn said...

So much love for your fellow Americans.

I'm a blue-stater and you disgust me.

Joseph Cannon said...

You disgust ME, Shawn.

How much robbery should we blue-staters tolerate? Why is it so unthinkable to ask our hillbilly brethren to stand on their own two feet?

As for my language: Being on the receiving end of insulting language is an occupational hazard of everyone who gets into the moochie-moochie business. Besides, all my damn life the southerners I've met -- and I mean EVERY ONE OF 'EM -- saw fit to speak arrogantly and condescendingly to me because I am a proud Californian and I don't accept their skewed and sick version of Jay-zuss Crass.

So fuck 'em. Fuck the hillbillies. All my life, they have stolen blue state tax dollars and then insulted us. Hatred is justified.

I favor a revision of the Constitution to put the southern states on an equitable footing -- proportional representation in the Senate (or a unicameral legislature) and direct election for President. That'll end the pork REAL fast. If southerners cannot tolerate the end of their traditional coddling, then let poor widdle darlings secede and be damned.

Anonymous said...

As a transplanted Northerner, I can attest to the fact that not all native Southerners are hillbillies. There is a particular type of Southerner that seems to thrive on hating anything foreign, though. In some cases, that includes residents in different counties in the same state.

But is that so different than other parts of the country? I doubt it.

My guess is that most rural areas in the country are net consumers of federal revenue. There just aren't that many high paying jobs to be had.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. That's great art.