Monday, January 01, 2007

Heaven in '07

Let me just add my own thoughts now that 2007 is three hours old and I have embarked on my ceremonial first playing of a Mahler symphony. (Reiner conducting the Fourth; superb.)

At the beginning of 2006, I would have predicted disaster, had anyone asked for my forecast. All sorts of unlovely visions danced in my head: An atomic terror strike. A war with Iran. An even more Republican congress. We didn't just dodge a bullet; we dodged a machine gunning.

Here's to 2006, a year that seems terrible until you think about what might well have been.

You know what would turn '07 into heaven? IMPEACHMENT! Ahhh. Talk about das himmlische Leben....


Anonymous said...

...yeah. Well, I can't claim it was a completely terrible year for me personally, despite ongoing battles with post-college marginal employment, poverty, and the depressing ordeal that was watching 90% of my society totally fucking cop out on the Bush removal effort. 'Cause, if nothing else, what Joe posted. Still alive. Lots of other folks, 'specially in the Great Lakes and Iran regions still living as well.

Oh, and is anyone here sporting one of those "new" 'Impeach Bush' bumper stickers yet? (I think the new, popular models are yellow and black.) I think that has the potential to be a fun liberal 'bonding' activity. Plus, it can help us all screen our potential acquaintances in '07. (Only three years left in the aughts!!! Sigh. I'm old.)

Anonymous said...

You're right about 2006. It was poised to be world-ending year,literally. The Iran invasion was short circuited by some wiser minds, probably the folks who actually employe Baker. We also found out that the Republicans lost their charter for stealing everything, specifically elections. By all rights, the Democrats should have taken 40 or more seats in the House. I'm grateful for 30, which indicates that there was "free lance" fraud out there but nothing like 2004, which was a masterfully organized heist.

So here we are having a gratitude meeting becaused we avoided an insane war and the election theft was only about 25% of what it might have been.

This New Years day, I'm most grateful of the superb "Teardown" that Brian Ross and his crew at ABC did on the House Republicans which commenced 9/28/06. It literally made all the difference.

More CannonFire! and Happy New Year to you!

Michael Collins

Joseph Cannon said...

I'm wondering if there was what you call freelance fraud, or if they simply understand that fraud must be kept below a certain percentage to be credible. At any rate, I agree that we should have had a greater victory.