Thursday, December 28, 2006

More lonelygirl sex rituals

Well, few seem interested in 9/11 or Russian politics or spy how about more lonelygirl15? I feel a certain responsibility toward this notorious "vlog," since I (inadvertantly) helped contribute to the mythos.

In this episode, Bree is studying up for her upcoming ceremony in honor of Dad (a.k.a. GWB, son of BB, daughter of AC). In case you're wondering, the flash cards spell C-R-S-A in Enochian, which is not listed as a word in that language. I'd feel like an ancient letch if I said that most girls conversant in Enochian are not as pretty as Ms. Rose. So I won't say that.

I can tell you, though, that the Enochian incantation ZAZAS ZAZAS NASSATANADA ZAZAS is reputed to open the gates of Hell, should you ever want to do such a thing. But only if you pronounce the words properly. Which you probably can't.

On a semi-serious note: I hate to say it, but the anti-Bush movement seems to be generating even more nutty fantasies than did the anti-Clinton movement of ten years ago. The lonelygirl thing is just a bit of silliness, of course, but it gives us a glimpse of a growing -- and potentially significant -- sociological phenomenon. Can Dems still call themselves the reality-based party if their ranks start to include those who believe in Jewish banking conspiracies and Satanic sacrifices at the Bohemian Grove?


Anonymous said...

Well I think the l nly girl stuff is just puerile nonsense. These marketing geniuses have made money off of nothing of substance once again. However I did enjoy the video you posted, silly as it was.

Granted I don't know much about this magick business, but it seems far less dark and sinister than much of what goes on in the light of day. And any enochian chant that is supposed to open the gates of hell less worrisome than real power exerted over the real world by real people. I guess what I'm saying is that this association of Crowley and the Bush family is such a juvenile gloss for the truth.

Sorry to ramble on, but as regards "the family" on the one hand it is such a common term I can't see how these two families could have any more in common than they would with Charlie Manson's 'family'. On the other, the dissolution of the soviet union might be more of a tragedy for the world than the existance of that state. I wonder about the geopolitics of that region and why they siezed Afghanistan in 1980. Certainly it must be related to the Iranian revolution, but I don't exactly see its strategic importance.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this parapolics as channeled through lonelygirl15 is any indication of what the democratic mindset is. I think most people who are against what this administration is doing see it as a mismanagement of the government, and diliberately poor foreign policy for the direct benefit of certain large business interests.

Anonymous said...

Just because folks are not posting comments doesn't mean we aren't interested. The "Family" thread is a heck of a lot more interesting than this fluff.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment above from Dr. Stern. Just because I don't feel I have anything to add to the subject doesn't mean I'm not interesed in reading about it. Maybe you should just write about what interests you and not worry about how many comments you get.

Anonymous said...

Well, few seem interested in 9/11 ...

What? I thought the 9/11 nuts were driving you away?