Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Random observations

I can't think of a way to tie all these points together into a single post, so let's try the scattershot approach...

Gates. I was just thumbing through Veil to catch a glimpse of Bob Gates' Iran-contra history. There's a lot there -- but I'll go into it at another time. Can't help feeling sorry for the guy. How would you like to become Secretary of Defense in the middle of an unwinnable war?

Lieberman. Why didn't Bush tap Joe Lieberman to be Secretary of Defense? The Republican governor of Connecticut would have chosen his successor in the Senate...

Tucker Carlson, on the tube just now, referred to Democratic bloggers as "a bunch of guys in their underwear sitting in the basement of Mom's house." Sour grapes, Tucker. Lefty blogs were a huge part of last night's victory -- while Carlson and his fellow cable blowhards sat in the loser's corner. If Tucker Carlson wants to accuse bloggers of being immature and puerile, all I can say in reply is -- neener neener neener!

Conyers. According to ABC News:
Rep. Conyers is in line to take over the Judiciary Committee. While one top hill staffer says, "His appetite for true investigation is untested," his new book takes on President Bush for violating the law on Iraq and secret prisons.
I think his appetite is proven. HIT 'EM AND HIT 'EM HARD!

The House Intelligence Committee. The obvious choice to head this all-important committee is Jane Harman, but Pelosi and Harman just plain don't like each other. The spook community loves to brag about the ease with which they bamboozle the oversight committees. What we need is someone willing not only to turn over the rocks, but to turn over the rocks beneath the rocks.

There's some talk about the job going to Sylvester Reyes of Texas, about whom I know little except that he is a former border guard who counts Curt Weldon as a friend. Although I am glad Weldon revealed Able Danger, I am not a Weldon fan. But we should not engage in guilt-by-friendship.


Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson is a PIECE OF SHIT. And that's not the kind of label I apply to just anyone anymore. The man is a corrupt, pathetic, talentless ass beret, and any claim to credibility he has as a real journalist (or anything else decent) flew out the window a LONG time ago. He's done. Been done for a while. His sad, obviously insecure vitriol is just a reaction to how totally and completely SCREWED he is. Not to mention scared out of his tiny little mind. I bet he's going to go home tonight, listen to LFO, and cut himself.

Anonymous said...

What makes Tucker Carlson think I'm wearing underwear?

Go John Conyers!

Look for gas to return to three dollars a gallon, and the stock market to crash in January. All the markets have been seriously manipulated in the last few years, and now they'll let it fall on the Dem's heads.

Anonymous said...

To Tucker, Republican TV blowhards are "a bunch of guys in their underwear sitting in the basement of Bush's pants."

Lefty blogs were enormous and unparalleled in their leadership not only toward victory but in the reporting of victory. Leaders my friend, not followers.

If there hadn't been an all-out vote integrity reality rally for the last few years, an honest airing of the Repulican dirty laundry (an endless job) over the course, extreme vigilance in reporting and superb intelligence in news analysis...if it weren't for these would still matter. And now you don't.

Your filthy moat has been compromised Tuckie, it's over. You're over. And think of it, we just now got started.

Miss P.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I must admit I don't mind the guys in underwear analogy. But Mom's house? That was their demographic - take a look at the exits - any exit.

Anonymous said...

5.03 Miss P.

Anonymous said...

Listen to this:

Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International, which conducts exit polls for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel and The Associated Press, made several changes this year after early data leaked in 2004 gave the misleading indication that Democrat John Kerry was headed to victory in the presidential election.

When early data came in Tuesday suggesting a strong Democratic showing in the midterm, several network experts believed the pollsters hadn't corrected the 2004 tendency to overestimate Democratic strength.

"I didn't think there was this big a Democratic wave," said Sheldon Gawiser, NBC News elections director. He was particularly suspicious about polling in Pennsylvania, where results eventually showed GOP Sen. Rick Santorum losing by a margin of 59 to 41 percent.

The experts said they needed to do a detailed analysis of the data to fairly grade the pollsters' performance. Dan Merkle, ABC's decision-desk director, said he saw problems with poll data in Ohio, Minnesota and Connecticut, for example.

"It doesn't look quite as bad as it did in 2004 but it's definitely something we have to look into," Merkle said.

A Fox News Channel commentator said on the air Tuesday that the numbers looked "out of whack."

Joseph Lenski, Edison's executive director, said he hadn't received any complaints from Fox or any network. A Fox representative didn't return a phone call Wednesday.


Miss P's comment: Go fuck yourselves. Analyze your own brains. Still, it gives us a good hint vote fraud did happen and a few places to look, though not all. We also have the Election Strike Force Exit Polls that should be coming out. We'll see who judges whom.

Anonymous said...

it's unanimous; tucker sucks. and he's getting fat. sad little bow tie.

also unanimous; john conyers rocks! bit time! taste for investigation untested?? who was that? asleep?

gates still requires confirmation, though he'll likely be a shoo-in, something of an honor tip from the dems.

lieberman passed on the offer, no doubt. for the very reason you feel sorry for gates.

there's been talk about the pelosi-harman rivalry, though most feel pelosi won't let that interfer. the story behind pelosi's concerns with harmon is definitely intriguing; those committee chairs need to be squeeky clean.

they just called VA for webb on nbc! what a day!

LieparDestin said...

If Lieberman had lost he would have taken the job. Instead he gets a cusiony 6 year Senate seat, and he doesnt have to deal with that whole unwinnable war thing. If he had taken the job beforehand, Lamont would have won w/ a landslide and the Dems would have that much more power in the Senate. Instead Bush has Joe where he wants him, and another Crony running the war.

Anonymous said...

Reyes' main connection with Weldon seems to be that they both served on the House Armed Services Committee and have done some related traveling together.

However, this is not exactly an encouraging attitude:

Mr. REYES. Thank you, General.

Mr. Chairman, I noticed that my time is up, but if General Hagee can comment on one last point, and that is, can we abandon that plan about embedded reporters?

War is hell. We should not be subjecting, in view of the events of the last few days. I think that is one of the reasons why National Football League (NFL) players do not have mikes on their uniforms. We know everything else about football, because we do not want to hear what is going on on the field.

I do not think it is a good idea to have embedded reporters in combat to the extent that we have them, and I hope we abandon that.

Not that we want to keep anything secret, but having had the experience of combat, it is an ugly situation.

People get into different kinds of situations. We should not be providing Al Jazeera with the kind of propaganda that they have had the last couple, three days.

Doesn't sound like much of a rock-turner.

Anonymous said...

A LOGICON TASK force was set up to assemble Trailblazer. It included "Veridian (in 2003 aquired by General Dynamics), Advent Systems Inc., Mountain View, EDS, Advanced Engineering & Sciences, RDR Inc., SRS Technologies. Veridian had also close ties with AMS (in 2004, two different parts got acquired by CGI and CACI). AMS is a NASA contractor. On their board is Neil A. Armstrong (Apollo 11), Dr. Joseph P. Allen (Apollo 15 and 17), Steven C. Beering (Eli Lily) and Dr. Sally K. Ride (mission specialist on space shuttle flights in 1983 and 1984)."

Haupt finds SAIC "most obvious," and "some of the real perpetrators of 9/11 are also hiding at SAIC." The San Diego engineering conglomerate is "controlled by at least two former CIA bosses, John Deutch and Robert Gates. SAIC is meanwhile connected with one anthrax suspect, the 'maintenance' of e-voting machines, former OEM-Director Jerome Hauer." Not to mention "the audition of Venezuela's oil company PDVSA, plus equity partners like Bechtel, Danet, Saudi SAI, DigiLens or VeriSign."5