Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ledeen the liar

Usually, I see little point in linking to a front page Kos story, since most of you visit that site before peeking at the offerings on this humble blog. But -- as long-time readers know -- I consider Michael Ledeen the most interesting rascal in the rogues' gallery of neoconservatism, and Kos writer Meteor Blades has caught the man in a extraordinarily bold lie.

It seems that Ledeen is yet another necon pretending that he never supported the Iraq misadventure. "I opposed the military invasion of Iraq before it took place," writes ML in the National Review Online. Alas, the gods of Google have left us ineradicable proof that Ledeen did indeed offer wholehearted support to Dubya's blunder. From a 2002 interview:
Question #2: Okay, well if we are all so certain about the dire need to invade Iraq, then when do we do so?

Ledeen: Yesterday.
The man's a proven liar. Keep that fact in mind if he should ever deny membership in P2, or if he should claim that he had nothing to do with "Bulgarians shot the Pope" hoax.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe he voted for it before he voted against it. Or is it the other way around?