Saturday, November 11, 2006

Foley-gate finale: An apology

I was pretty damned sure -- not 100% certain, but somewhere in the 80%-90% range -- that the secretive person behind the Stop Sex Predators blog (the one that outed Mark Foley) was Mike Rogers of BlogActive. The real writer was Lane Hudson, whose identity was revealed a couple of weeks ago.

For more details, see here and here and here. I'm still curious to learn why Wonkette and the mainstream media paid such quick attention to a blog with no rep and no readers. And why did the Foley emails come in two separate formats?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

joe, as per my comment on your post about flake: we need more republicans who get it and can stand up to the corruption and nonsense, more than we need dems to do it. their change will have to come from within, as per that general wisdom, so to speak.

this applies to the foley scandal in that way. there really are repugs out there who are getting fed up. hell, we've been seeing them abandon that ship in droves since paul o'neill left. that's not at all hard to accept, or even just entertain.