Saturday, November 04, 2006

Fake progressives

For a long time, I've sneered at so-called "progressives" who promote the idea that both parties are equally corrupt and equally undeserving of support. I've suspected that at least a few of the folks saying such things were Rovian snakes slithering through the Democratic grasses.

Now we have evidence.


Anonymous said...

I hate fake progressives. I have to do battle with these enemies of progress every time I set foot in a political arena in Western Oregon these days. I can barely keep myself from lashing out openly at their ignorance when I do. It's so frustrating. They are doing just as much to obstruct our ability to stop Republican hegemony as the far right is.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I am a "progressive" and doubt I fit that label, but here again, my CIA friend says.... " all politicians and parties are one and the same".