Monday, November 06, 2006

Change on the air? [Clinton update]

dr. elsewhere here

I admit, I let this morning's review of those flukey, outlier polls showing a "surge" in Republican support get me down for a bit.

But then there were more polls, and these showed no such Republican surge. Glenn Greenwald was kind and astute enough to sort it out, including some comparisons to 1994.

Then, after all the brazen and unquestionably desperate Republican robocalls as Joe addressed below, it only took the mainstream media a full day or two to actually cover it. Though not making the headlines this story deserves, I did see it covered as a story on CNN late this afternoon, and of course Keith was on it.

Howard Dean was just on Keith's show, and took note of the various voter suppression problems, mentioning the robocall issue. Then Jonathon Alter pointed out that Rahm Emanuel says the DCCC will file lawsuits Wednesday morning against the GOP filed on these actions. The math was bracing: where the laws hold fines of $500 per call, the totals could run into millions of dollars hemorrhaging out of the GOP warchest.

The Dems have also issued a cease and desist letter to the GOP on these calls, and have alerted the DOJ, FCC, and FEC. So this could get interesting.

Now there appear to be reports coming out about calls telling voters their voting location has been changed. Josh is on this, just as he is all over the robocop calls, so follow TPM for updates. Even more interesting.

Speaking of interesting, as a bizarre aside, has anyone seen Mehlman's pre-election spin-o-matic? Democrats can't win with ballots so they have to rely on activist judges?? Truly fascinating to watch these guys in action; how do they keep all those lies from bumping into each others contradictions? Oh, right; they don't.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi has actually come right out and expressed her concerns over the integrity of the count. There; she said it in a public interview from her office on the Hill.

And remember; it was her daughter who got that chilling quote out of NY Rep, Peter King: “It's already over. The election's over. We won,” Now mind you, these words were spoken in the summer of 2003, more than a year before the 2004 elections.

Yeah, you do have to admit, the terrain the GOP is encountering out there is just not as forgiving as it's been the past several years. So I'd say we're facing a true watershed moment in our history.

[UPDATE: Clinton's speech at Webb's final rally, as only he can do it. And pay attention; he makes several references to GOP dirty tricks and voter disenfranchisement.]


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, all the GOP needs is one pollster-prostitute to say what they want said to provide the cover story for another stolen election. I think a result like the GOP keeping their majority in the House will stretch our equally prostituted mainstream media's credibility to the breaking point. But never underestimate how brazen and openly crooked the Republicans will be if their backs are up against the wall. They are desperate and extremely sick people.

Joseph Cannon said...

It's unnerving to compare the information we get on BradBlog with the stories coming out of every other source. Most blogs are telling us that the polls indicate a Democratic victory in one and possibly both Houses. Brad keeps on finding evidence that the fix is in.

This has been an exhausting election season. Yet the real fight may begin tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

If you believe that Rove and his gang won elections in the past by hacking the vote, you have to assume they will do it again. Really, does anyone think they will actually NOT use their best weapon? Why? Because some people are wise to it?

ewastud's view makes sense to me. I wouldn't be surprised if the Rep's kept control of the House. Because, what can we do about it if it happens? Demand that the new Republican House investigate how it got elected?

I know that I didn't vote for a single Republican this year, not even one who is my friend!

sunny said...

Just saw a ticker on MSNBC that said "Voter Intimidation Reported in Virginia." Anybody got any info on that?