Friday, October 27, 2006

What is George Allen's secret?

Josh Marshall intimates that reporters in D.C. have heard tales of a horrible secret lurking in Senator George Allen's divorce records. I've been trying to discover what that secret might be. So far, vague reports hold that he spat on his wife, that he two-timed her, and that he is sadist. All of which, plus the title to your car, will buy you a cup of coffee in Los Angeles. Anyone out there have something more definite...?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Allen suffers from a veneral disease, this is part of the sealed records. I do not think this medical condition has anything to do with the senate race. He is a much better candidate.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you should bring that up. I saw Webb's campaign manager on Hardball tonight, and he mentioned that Macacca refuses to release his divorce records. I was wondering what that was an allusion a great October surprise if someone could find out what he is hiding.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. I'll have to call my friend in MA who hates Allen with a passion. She may or may not know anything, but collecting his, er, dirty laundry, was an informal job of hers for a time.

sunny said...

I don't know or care what it is, so long as it comes out before the election. I just know the filthy bastard has a closet full of horrors just waiting to be discovered. Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

If divorce records sounds like a low blow, the issue only arose after the Allen campaign prepared to launch negative commercials citing scenes in Webb's novels, which apparently have some sex scenes (as do Lynn Cheney's lesbian novel). On the subject of sex scenes written by right-wingers, anyone who wants to see some truly hilarious ones need only consult Bill O'Reilly's novel.

As for being "a much better candidate" (anonymous 9:28), this would-be California-raised redneck is supposed to be better than someone who (in a race contested largely on national security) actually served in the military and the Pentagon, and has some intellectual achievements to his name?

Only in BushCo country could a race-baiting poltroon be considered a worthy candidate.

sunny said...

I bet whatever it is will track along these lines: (which should be a scandal in itself)

"Ever since my brother George held me over the railing at Niagara Falls, I've had a fear of heights." [Fifth Quarter: The Scrimmage of a Football Coach's Daughter, page 43]

Referring to George's early leadership skills, Jennifer wrote: "We all obeyed George. If we didn't, we knew he would kill us. Once, when Bruce refused to go to bed, George hurled him through a sliding glass door. Another time, when Gregory refused to go to bed, George tackled him and broke his collarbone. Another time, when I refused to go to bed, George dragged me up the stairs by my hair." [Fifth Quarter: The Scrimmage of a Football Coach's Daughter, page 22]

DrewL said...

Based on the book by Allen's sister, it's amazing this clown ever got elected governor. What a complete jerk! But I guess Republicans really like their jerks. Even Barry Goldwater thought most of the new brand of "conservatives" were jerks. He was correct. They are. And George Allen is right near the top of the heap.

There was a time when I considered myself to be a Republican. That was long ago. How anyone can stomach being associated with such hypocrites and jerks is beyond me. Ugh.