You know that key that slides into the side of the machine? The one that opens up the works and allows a malefactor to inject bad code? Well, if you own locking file cabinets, you may already own a copy of that key...
Chris’s key was left over from a previous job, maybe fifteen years ago. He said the key had opened either a file cabinet or the access panel on an old VAX computer. A little research revealed that the exact same key is used widely in office furniture, electronic equipment, jukeboxes, and hotel minibars. It’s a standard part, and like most standard parts it’s easily purchased on the Internet.In a fair election, Dems stand a good chance of winning the House, and perhaps even the Senate -- after all, even Jim Danforth and Joe Scarborough have come out against the Republican record. But the "Diebold factor" seems an insurmountable challenge.
Perhaps the best we can hope for is to achieve a glaring discrepancy between the results and the polls. Which means that the opposition must now concentrate on gaming the polls, to the extent that such a thing may be possible.
Another great video: Mark Crispen Miller debates Ed Rollins (Reagan's political director) on election fraud. MCM wins it, in my view; judge for yourself.
In Suffolk County, NY, the lever-style voting machines have served well. Now the State Board of Elections is mandating a switch to computerized voting machines. Suffolk Executive Steve Levy says that he is willing to go to court to prevent this potential disaster. Why don't we have a few hundred crusaders like him all across the country?
Don't forget Ion Sancho, Leon County FL.
Kim in PA
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