Tuesday, August 15, 2006


No, my headline does not refer to the Lebanon conflict. I'm referring to John Lennon's slogan "War is over! If you want it." To promote the new film The U.S. vs. John Lennon, billboards promoting that mantra will festoon several major cities. (Incidentally, the producers of that film would love to publish photos of you standing in front of one of those billboards.)

If you are of a certain age, seeing those words will trigger many memories. The current anti-war movement has accomplished much, and those working for an end to the madness in the Middle East have reason for pride. But we must go beyond discredting Dubya's disastrous occupation. We must discredit war as a concept.

Remember when young people said "Peace" as a greeting and a farewell, the way Hawaiians say "Aloha"?

Back then, some folks had sufficient naivete to suppose that the Vietnam war would or could be America's last. It wasn't. But opposition to war (not just opposition to the war) secured roughly fifteen years of relative peace. Right now, that sounds pretty damned good.

What we need is not just peace but a peace mentality. In the late 1960s, peace became hip. What can we do to make it hip again?


DrewL said...

We certainly can start by voting out the Republican war machine in November, at least as much as possible given that it's a mid-term election. We need to bring back the era of diplomacy and a belief in mutual respect. Instead of spending $300 billion on bombs and bullets, why don't we spend it trying to help others improve their lives?

Anonymous said...

Well Drewl, I am afraid that there are lots of Democrats that won't do anything different if they have the power. I think we need to be selective about which Democrats we vote for and for that matter there are good Republicans too, the problem with good politicians is that they come across as soft, and Americans are still stuck in the old west, settler mentality of worshiping the most cruel, closedminded, bigotted, warmongering people who come across as strong, to this day. I take a softy who has some genuine compassion for truth and justice and faieness any day!

I have a question for you. I consider you a fair person and a truthdigger,which is the highest compliment I can give anybody. You have shown yourself to be above partisan politics and even able to rise above personal biases. This is a bit off topic, but I have been wondering about George Soros. I have read some article that he has written and I have heard lots of opinions about him. I can't decide what I think. Do you have any info on him, or an opinion?

Anonymous said...

Peace Peace but there is no Peace until the final curtain falls on this play, "The Vale of Tears". This world, as full as it is with sincere, brave, hardworking, quasi enlightened people, is upon close examination suffering from that dread disease, imperfection, (sin to be brief).
Jesus, that oft slandered and ignored and obviously misrepresented by religionists ( past and modern Pharisees His worst enemies), that grab the microphones whenever possible to twist His words and deeds to fit their anal, mad cow manipulations, to fit this worlds political agendas and mammon's lusts, is still the Prince of Peace and is still alive and well and available "upon request".
Once He is asked to come in to your heart His Peace, the Peace that passes all understanding will prevail. Then, this vale of tears will disappear, (or at least you will see it more objectivley), and in its p[lace His Kingdom will receive another citizen to bring Peace to the table.
Too simple? Too familiar?, Too easy? Too hackneyed by two thousand years of religious wars, tortures, inquisitions? arguments, word play?, so what else is new? Try Him yourself..just you and Him no church, no leaders, no hidden agendas except maybe your own, and see.
But after saying all that, you also will discover there is also Satan to try to confound your every breath and every step along the way..but that's where the real adventure exists.."for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but with principalities and powers in heavenly places"..the evil one and his minions are in control down here but, in the name of" Jesus", (and His authority alone), we shall overcome. That's a tiny set of words left out in the sixties so the winning was temporary..but welcomed.
Martin Luther King Jr. had that peace and was able to transmit it in a measure, to all around him and the power that comes with that peace did prevail until the gunshot stopped it..but he lives on you've noticed? Or at least we do remember his sacrifices for all, and can follow his lead again. That kind of peaceful assurance is not available in this world..but look up! and ask Him to reveal Himself inside you where no one else can mess with it. Just you and the Prince of Peace as one.

Anonymous said...

oh 8:18 anon... your attempt to save our souls has a nice and noble valiantness about it all.

you should try to talk about "peace" without the soap-box, though. otherwise, it's just very unattractive and demeaning to all of the world's -other- peace-loving deities and religions.

your way is not the only way.

that's the first lesson of "peace".

what else can you do?

peace requires community action.
inner-peace is for the individual to discover... because it's "inner". and as we all know, there are, thankfully, a multitude of fantastic religions all around us.