Monday, August 21, 2006

Rove Revisited

dr. elsewhere here

Just when it seemed Rove's status in the CIA leak case had gone the way of Florida's 2000 election results and bin Laden's whereabouts, Jason Leopold provides us with an updated refresher.

For those of you following this case, the only information the public has gained in the past several months, technically since Libby was indicted, has come from Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin of "my innocent client paid me in gold bricks" fame, and Robert Novak, of "publish the CIA identity" fame. Like we should trust either one of these guys.

Of course, Plame and her husband, Joe Wilson, have filed a lawsuit against Rove, Cheney, Libby, and unnamed others, but that is somewhat of a side issue, though the overlap will make for fascinating revelations. The latest on the lawsuit includes the fact that Plame/Wilson have added another attorney to their team who has pointed out that Cheney may have a hard time using Constitutional immunity to wiggle out of the suit, as they plan to use the Supreme Court decision against Clinton in the Paula Jones case. Poetic (in)justice, eh (I never thought that ruling made any sense)? And then there's the fact that Cheney has lawyered up, likely his best move since resigning from Halliburton.

To refresh everyone's memory on the most recent activities, Luskin's announcement came after his receipt of a letter from Fitzgerald, the federal prosecutor dogging the case. Up to that point, everyone was certain Rove was toast, and Jason Leopold even reported that he had been indicted, but the indictment was placed under seal as Sealed v. Sealed, evidently a most unusual event. The timing of that filing coincided with the framework Leopold reported, but no indictment was ever announced. He suffered a great deal of animosity from the public, including liberal bloggers, but Truthout stuck to the story.

Now, three months later, and still no change, so Leopold has produced this update. Not much more of interest there, except to point out the fact that the complaint, 06 cr 128, remains in place, which several attorneys Leopold contacted find fairly to highly unusual. Moreover,
These experts said the length of time the indictment has been under seal suggests that the defendant named in the complaint is cooperating with an ongoing investigation and may have accepted a plea agreement.

Former federal prosecutor Laurie Levenson said it's very likely that the indictment was sealed in the first place because the "defendant is cooperating with an investigation and the government wants to keep that person's identity secret" to protect the integrity of the investigation.

In addition, Leopold and Truthout report that their sources close to the investigation claim that the complaint does indeed have to do with the leak probe. These sources also asserted to Leopold that Karl Rove had led the investigation to additional information not previously disclosed to the prosecutor's office, and that the focus has now shifted to the office of VP Dick Cheney.

This information is consistent with my previous speculations in the matter, and suggest we may potentially have our own little October Surprise in store for the Republicans. How quickly Fitz's office moves, however, will not be influenced by the upcoming November elections, though these do not appear to be tacking too favorably toward starboard even without a spectacular assist.

Nevertheless, bear in mind that the press continues to present Rove's status as free and clear, though their only source is his lawyer. Also bear in mind the timing of Robert Novak's bizarre confession, coming the day before Plame's announcement of their lawsuit.

But also bear in mind, that as the press continues to present Rove as an innocent and vindicated man, they also present him as spending all his time managing the Republican party's mid-term elections around the country. These same press outlets note that he has kept his office in the White House, but they all fail to note that he is drawing a salary from the taxpayers while he is doing Party business.

When will one of these MSM lapdogs bother to ask the right questions? Like, is this not illegal?

In any case, I have to say that Leopold is at least tentatively validated, in that the complaint with the mysterious Sealed v. Sealed title does remain in place.

We should be keeping our eyes open for some sort of action in that area in the coming weeks.


Anonymous said...

How quickly Fitz's office moves


You mean that shimmering mirage of justice atop a bottomless tar pit that captures unsuspecting evidence and drags it down into its unseen, inescapable depths?

Joseph Cannon said...

I don't share the suspicion many now feel toward Fitzgerald. And I'm leery of the fact that the neocons are trying to stoke that suspicion

A journalist named Peter Lance is writing a book on 911 which will be a major hit piece directed at Fitz. The publisher? Good old Rupert Murdoch.

When Rupert goes after Fitz, you need no further information: Fitz deserves our support.

Anonymous said...

joe, i agree; folks are just way too impatient with fitz.

if any of you out there have ever been involved in legal cases, or if you have ever had the opporunity to chat with lawyers, especially about federal cases, you will know that these things move very very slowly.

i know it's frustrating, but fitz is known for being extremely cautious and extremely thorough. and, extremely cagey. and, not trivially, extremely ethical.

again, that's why i have said, do NOT expect him to do anything based on the larger picture. he will remain focused on the case, and he will not be influenced by election dates or books about him or any such nonsense. he stays on task.

and he has several tasks he is juggling in addition to the leak case, so it's not as if this is his 24/7 job.

as for that book, hey, such timing, eh?? makes one wonder who's been saying what to whom. we'll see how far it gets. a dear friend of mine is coming out with a book soon addressing how a prosecutor would go about indicting and trying bush, cheney, condi, and rummy. and the author is NOT a murdoch pal!

i'll have more on that very soon.....

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, Rove was demoted big time - there is no other way to look at it. Yet he was demoted with respect: pay, position, lodgings.

Either the administration butters Rove up pre-divulge or takes the chance otherwise. To me this means greater fish to fry--those fish apparently at least have the power to determine Rove's little (legal?)severance package.

Miss P.

PrissyPatriot said...

I thought when the case was sealed it was done under a proffer agreement. That indeed Rove was cooperating with Fitz and surely still is. Remember Rover was actually a target in Watergate-he was seen as a small player then...

His lawyer and spokesperson both have lied for clients before, so much for their credibility. You already know their lack of dedication to America, justice and democracy.

My chips are on Patrick Fitzgerald any day of the week.