Thursday, July 13, 2006


dr. elsewhere here


Been travelling, down south yet again, and was working on a post (on my brand new macBook, I have to say; yum), and since weather has delayed my flight, I decided to spring for some paid online time while I wait.

And what to my wandering eyes should appear, perhaps not Fitzmas as such, but next best thing:

Valerie Plame has filed suit against the Three Mouthketeers, Rove, Libby, and the Big Dick.

I'll be home at some point, weather permitting, and will do some of my digging to try and augment what the news offers in the meantime.

But, as per Joe's link to emptywheel below, she has been watching the date for the statute of limitations creep up (this Saturday is the final date, marking three years), and has wondered aloud if all the Rove/Luskin/Novak noises have been designed to deflect such as action.

I mean, think about it. The ONLY new info we've heard on this topic in months and months has come from merely Luskin and Novak.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but why should we believe a single word either of these dupes have to say? Luskin is Rove's attorney and cannot speak against his client's best interests, and Novak is a well-known Republican lackey and Rove butt-buddy (nothing intended; have your way with the facts).

I will also remind folks that there is every reason to suspect that Joe Wilson and his wife know far far more about the details of this case than they have revealed in public. Hence their chutzpah to file.

Like I said, maybe not Fitzmas, but certainly something like the fifth day thereof, with three squealing pigeons in a pear tree.

Sooner, folks, sooner.....

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