Thursday, July 27, 2006

The race goes not to the swiftest

Envy is such an unavoidable part of the human condition that virtue lies not in avoidance but candid admission. Ana Marie Cox, a.k.a. Wonkette, has been named Washington Editor at I've always enjoyed her style, but so far as I know, her only real scoop has been that Washingtonienne thing, which never really interested me. Compare her accomplishments with those of (say) Brad Friedman, who has spent the past year and a half trying to expose election shennanigans, and you'll gather some notion of how Power Rewards Piffle.

Ah well. She is a good writer. Besides, if she translates her obsessions into traditional Time-style, then we can one day expect to see these immortal words (please avert your eyes if easily offended):

"Fucked was the ass until out flew my brains!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Egh. I can't get too bitter and bewildered about this one, as I will be forever thankful for's promotion of ahem, a side of John Kerry I would never have been able to appreciate otherwise. That was some good art.